I wanted to discuss the changes to the Laparoscopic content that were published November 2023 (and continue to trickle through since). Since I suspect EAG members not maintaining an extension may not have noticed.
While I appreciate some change may have been required my concerns fall into two parts:
The actual “implemented solution”
The execution of the change
The actual “implemented solution”.
For context Endoscopy and endoscopic procedures - SNOMED CT Editorial Guide - SNOMED Conflue
Following up from the Editorial AG cal 22-Aug, additional examples from existing content have been identified. Note that examples from the Product hierarchy have been excluded as specific guidelines for this hierarchy will be developed and the hierarchy does not include ranges (with isolated exceptions).
Midwife attends 1-10 days post-discharge (finding)
Midwife attends 25-28 days post-discharge (finding)
On examination - height 10-20% over average (finding)
On examination - weight
We receive requests for DI concepts for multiple procedures and body sites and have in the past rejected these as overly pre-coordinated. The decision was based on no combined procedures, no laterality etc as specified in Editorial Guidance.
There was a decision to write up some guidance on this for the Editorial Guide. Could you as a group provide such guidance or a statement as to our policy and decsion?
Examples include:
Computed tomography angiography of aorta, abdomen, pelvis and lower limb (procedure)
Ultrasonography of abdomen and ultrasonography of pelvis with transrectal ultrasonography (procedure)
Ultrasonography of pelvis and obstetric ultrasonography with transvaginal ultrasonography (procedure)
Ultrasonography of knee and doppler ultrasonography of vein of lower limb (procedure)
Thank you.
Jim Case