This topic was initially discussed at the EAG on November 27, 2023 and a briefing note has been prepared and is available here.

Requirements were developed with lab specialists to meet their needs.  There needs to be some more specific use cases to make the effort worth it other than just making the hierarchy more manageable.

Additives are substances that would be incorporated into the specimen, whereas the separator attribute represents something that is not incorporated into the specimen. Also suggested that separators should not also be physical objects, but should be substances.  

What is the impact of adding these to other hierarchies that might use these needs to be considered?

There is some use for the HAS INTENDED SPECIMEN even knowing it is not "always and necessarily true".

How should "spray-dried coating" be modeled in this scenario?  Is it an additive or just a substance coating on the container?  How manufacturers represent the difference between coatings and additives needs to be considered.

Need definitions for each of the attributes that make it clear to modelers what substances are allowed.  

Will the level of effort needed to make these SD be worth the results.