Hi all,
We have received a query on the meaning of the concept 39093002 |Post-trauma response (finding)| and are looking for input from the Nursing CRG please on how this concept would be interpreted by nurses. The concept in question was added in 2002, so part of the first release of SNOMED CT. We are aware the term also exists in the 2019 version of ICNP.
Please add your responses to this discussion page.
Thanks all,
Cathy Richardson
Friso Raemaekers
Post-Trauma Response was a nursing diagnosis included in the first, second, and third editions of NANDA. It was defined as 'the state of an individual experiencing a sustained painful response to an overwhelming traumatic event(s)' (NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification 1997-1998, 1986). This diagnosis was officially retired in 1999.
Friso Raemaekers
Continued... This nursing diagnose is in 1998 renamed to Post-trauma Syndrome. It's now coded as NANDA 00141 and placed in the taxonomy Domain 9: Coping/Stress Tolerance, Class: Post-trauma Responses.
Cathy Richardson
Thank you Friso Raemaekers .
Friso Raemaekers
I've noticed that the term 'Post-trauma syndrome' has been added already in the SNOMED CT browser as a synonym under 'Post-trauma response.' I recommend changing the preferred term to 'Post-trauma syndrome' and setting 'Post-trauma response' as a synonym instead.
39093002 | Post-trauma response (finding) |
en Post-trauma response (finding)
en Post-trauma response
en Post-trauma syndrome
Cathy Richardson
Thanks for your input Friso Raemaekers In the 2019 version of ICNP (the version used in the equivalence table) the term had been Post trauma response. There would need to be consensus to change the preferred term at the international level. The acceptable synonym Post-trauma syndrome can be selected as the preferred term for this concept in national/local language reference sets, where required. Kind regards, Cathy
Cathy Richardson
Post-trauma response (finding)
Further to the discussion on this topic above, SNOMED International has been asked for further information on the meaning concept 39093002 | Post-trauma response (finding) | and are looking at the creation of a definition with the support of the nursing CRG.
Online searches don't bring the term up unless 'nursing diagnosis' is included in the search criteria. Searches without 'nursing diagnosis' bring up post traumatic stress disorder. The latter is a diagnosable disorder with specific criteria to be met to be able to make the diagnosis, as defined in ICD-11. https://icd.who.int/dev11/l-m/en#/http://id.who.int/icd/entity/2070699808 ICN have advised that the concept Post-trauma response (finding) would provide a means to articulate a range of emotional and behavioural responses to a traumatic event or episode.
Improvement in response to trauma (finding)
We've also had a question on the meaning of the concept 1149252007 |Improvement in response to trauma (finding)| which is part of the ICNP refset. It's been raised that it's unclear whether this concept represents that the condition of the patient has improved (e.g., fewer symptoms or less distress) or that the patient’s response to trauma has improved (e.g., better resilience or newly acquired coping skills). The term comes from ICNP: https://neuronsong.com/_/_sites/icnp-browser/#/2019/concepts/en/10027760 and we are seeking input on the meaning from ICN. This concept is also being brought to the CRG for discussion.
Kind regards,
Friso Raemaekers
The term 'Post-trauma response' is defined as a reaction that occurs following physical or psychological trauma. It is categorized under Taxonomy II of NANDA International.
'Post-trauma syndrome' is a distinct nursing diagnosis, defined as a prolonged maladaptive response to a traumatic or overwhelming event.
Both definitions are from NANDA International edition 2024-2026.
Cathy Richardson
From the reviewing the discussion at the last Nursing CRG meeting (Jan 2025) it was raised the Post trauma response in NANDA is a class not a diagnosis.
https://nandadiagnoses.com/post-trauma-syndrome/ - notes the nursing diagnosis post trauma syndrome is a medical issue, commonly referred to as PTSD.
Also from last call, with Improvement in response to trauma (finding), it was raised this could also potentially mean an improvement in the organisational response to a trauma event.
Friso Raemaekers
Dear Cathy,
The reference you cited from nandadiagnoses.com is not a reliable source and contains misleading information.
NANDA-I, as the international organization for nursing diagnoses, establishes its classifications based on rigorous research and expert consensus
Post-Trauma Syndrome is distinct from PTSD, which is a medical diagnosis within ICD/DSM frameworks. The nursing diagnosis focuses on the individual's holistic response to traumatic, overwhelming events, guiding nursing interventions to support recovery.
I encourage referencing official NANDA-I publications to ensure accuracy in terminology discussions.
Best regards,
Friso Raemaekers, B Health, RN, CEN, FNI
Cathy Richardson
Notes from CRG call:
Zac Whitewood-Moores
My understanding was that NANDA was proprietary and whilst in use in many places would not normally be used as a formal definition.
On the face of it the term Post-trauma response has more of an observable entity description to it, whereas Post-trauma syndrome suggests a negative combination of factors in an identified 'syndrome' which would fulfil the disorder/finding/situation requirements (perhaps better).
I think it is hard to argue in themselves they are synonymous in a SNOMED CT sense as to be conceptually equivalent one has to apply information model of an unstated authority to find equivalence. ICN have had useful terminology resourse with a good understanding of multiple nursing classifications and SNOMED CT e.g. Professor Nick Hardiker who certainly has the knowledge, whhether he has the capacity you would need to check with him