Term | description type | Language/acceptability | Langauge/acceptability | Case significance |
[scale] [property] of [component] to [relative to] in [direct site] at [time aspect] by [technique] using [using device] [precondition] (observable entity) | FSN | US:PT | GB:PT | ci |
[scale] [property] of [component] to [relative to] in [direct site] at [time aspect] by [technique] using [using device] [precondition] | PT | US:PT | GB:PT | ci |
Concept model:
Definition status:
Applies to:
< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|
Template language:
363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|
[[~0..*]] 246093002 |Component (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @component]],
[[~0..1]] 370130000 |Property (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)| ) @property]],
[[~0..*]] 704327008 |Direct site (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @directSite]],
[[~0..*]] 704319004 |Inheres in (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)| ) @inheresIn]],
[[~0..*]] 718497002 |Inherent location (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @inherentLocation]],
[[~0..*]] 704325000 |Relative to (attribute)| = [[ +id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @RelativeTo]],
[[~0..*]] 719715003 |Relative to part of (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @relativeToPartOf]],
[[~0..1]] 370132008 |Scale type (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)| ) @scaleType]],
[[~0..*]] 246501002 |Technique (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)| OR << 273249006 |Assessment scales (assessment scale)| ) @technique]],
[[~0..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)| ) @timeAspect]],
[[~0..*]] 704326004 |Precondition (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| ) @precondition]],
[[~0..1]] 246514001 |Units (attribute)| = [[+id (< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| ) @units]],
[[~0..*]] 424226004 |Using device (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| ) @usingDevice]],
[[~0..*]] 704321009 |Characterizes (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)| ) @process ]]
[[~0..*]] 246093002 |Component (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @component]],
[[~0..1]] 370130000 |Property (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)| ) @property]],
[[~0..*]] 704327008 |Direct site (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @directSite]],
[[~0..*]] 704319004 |Inheres in (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| OR << 125676002 |Person (person)| ) @inheresIn]],
[[~0..*]] 718497002 |Inherent location (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @inherentLocation]],
[[~0..*]] 704325000 |Relative to (attribute)| = [[ +id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @RelativeTo]],
[[~0..*]] 719715003 |Relative to part of (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| OR << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| OR << 410607006 |Organism (organism)| OR << 419891008 |Record artifact (record artifact)| ) @relativeToPartOf]],
[[~0..1]] 370132008 |Scale type (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 117362005 |Nominal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117363000 |Ordinal value (qualifier value)| OR << 117364006 |Narrative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117365007 |Ordinal OR quantitative value (qualifier value)| OR << 117444000 |Text value (qualifier value)| OR << 26716007 |Qualitative (qualifier value)| OR << 30766002 |Quantitative (qualifier value)| ) @scaleType]],
[[~0..*]] 246501002 |Technique (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)| OR << 273249006 |Assessment scales (assessment scale)| ) @technique]],
[[~0..1]] 370134009 |Time aspect (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 7389001 |Time frame (qualifier value)| ) @timeAspect]],
[[~0..*]] 704326004 |Precondition (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 703763000 |Precondition value (qualifier value)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| ) @precondition]],
[[~0..1]] 246514001 |Units (attribute)| = [[+id (< 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| ) @units]],
[[~0..*]] 424226004 |Using device (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 49062001 |Device (physical object)| ) @usingDevice]],
[[~0..*]] 704321009 |Characterizes (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 719982003 |Process (qualifier value)| ) @process ]]
Rules for description generation:
- Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
- This is a general template. If additional attributes are included then the FSN needs to be updated accordingly.
- If the value of 'direct site' is essentially the same as the 'inheres in', then do not include "measured at [direct site]." For example, if the 'direct site' value is 122575003 |Urine specimen (specimen)| and the 'inheres in' value is 78014005 |Urine (substance)|, then "measured at urine" is not needed. The 'direct site' is only needed when it is different than the 'inheres in' value.
- When Characterizes (attribute) with value 1234914003 |Malignant proliferation of primary neoplasm (qualifier value)| is included, then "primary" should be populated in the slot [primary] in the FSN and PT.