Name pattern for templates
The name of a template is presented by the name of Confluence page. In the past, they are presented as Template Name +version + Status, For example,
- Computed tomography of [body structure] (procedure) - In PROD
- [Fracture morphology] of [bone structure] (disorder) v2 - Ready for implementation
Going forward, all new templates would not include version and status in the template name. A new Confluence page property table has been introduced to cover status and version. This will avoid changing the name of Confluence page which caused broken links.
The version number for the final publication needs to be included in the name for template to overcome the rule of unique name for Confluence pages. The version number for 'Ready for implementation' and 'In PROD' should be aligned with the version in the Authoring platform. The format of version number please see the section below. For example, if a new version of Computed tomography of body structure template is under development, the template name should be:
Computed tomography of [body structure] (procedure) - v2.0
with page property table:
Status | In progress |
Version | 1.2 |
Version in PROD | 1.0 |
The template name indicate the number of version v2.0 for the final publication. The page property table indicates that the status is in progress with version 1.2. When the template status has reached 'Ready for implementation' and 'In PROD', the version number needs to be changed to 2.0.
The example of template specification can be found in the Template for simple disease (disorder) - v2.0
Format for Templates
- Descriptions:
- All essential descriptions
- Fully specified name (FSN)
- Preferred term (PT)
- Synonym (SYN)
- Metadata about descriptions
- Description type (FSN, PT, SYN)
- Language and acceptability
- Case significance
- Variables in description should be presented by square brackets [ ] with label inside the brackets. The label should be the representative of value rather than attribute name. For example, [bone structure] is a suitable slot name. The attribute finding site is not a suitable slot name. The same label should be used for the variable in concept model.
- All essential descriptions
- Concept model:
- There are three different cardinality restrictions, attribute group cardinality constraint, attribute cardinality constraint and attribute in group cardinality constraint. For each attribute in the concept model, two cardinality constraints should be specified at least. The 'Attribute group cardinality' is always required to specify if an attribute is grouped or not. In addition, for a grouped attribute, the 'attribute in group cardinality' needs to be specified. For an ungrouped attribute, the 'attribute cardinality' also needs to be specified.
- IS A relationship for proximal primitive parent concept
- Attribute and values constraints
- Role group cardinality for A/V
- Variables in description should be presented by squire brackets [ ] with label inside the brackets and followed by the expression constraint
- Definition status:
- The value should be 900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status (core metadata concept)|
- The value should be 900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status (core metadata concept)|
- Applies to:
- Domain for the template which can be presented by expression
- Domain for the template which can be presented by expression
- Replaced by:
- Link to the new template
- Link to the new template
- Template language:
- SNOMED expression representation by Template Language
- SNOMED expression representation by Template Language
- Link to the misaligned concept report
- Add the link to QI report
- Rules for generating descriptions
- describing rules for generating different description. For example, removing semantic tag and word 'structure' for body structure are standard rules for all descriptions
- Additional rules can be added for specific template in order to generate readable FSNs
- JIRA ticket
- Link to the JIRA ticket for template development and implementation workflow
Template status
- In progress - not ready for use, still being created and is subject to change
- For review - considered final, but awaiting approval and is subject to change
- Ready for implementation - final, approved, awaiting implementation in the authoring platform/template service
- In PROD - available in the authoring platform/template service
- On hold - postponed the development
- Outdated - still in production before it is replaced by new template
- Archived - no longer available in the authoring platform/template service (the link to the new template should be added under the 'Replaced by' section), or the draft template is not needed before it is moved into the production.
Version number
The version number of templates should follow the format of Release.Draft.
The version number of a template in status of 'Ready for implementation' or 'In PROD' should be in the format of 1.0, 2.0. The same version number should be used in the Authoring Platform.
The version number of a template in status of 'In progress' or 'For review' should be in the format of 0.1, 1.1, 2.3.
- A new Confluence page should be created for a new version of the template. The older version will be achieved when the new template has been implemented in the production.
- Confluence page for template should added a label 'template'. This label is used for generate template reports.
- The expression constraint language should be used to indicate range.
- All concepts in template should be presented by concept id and FSN by using 'SNOMED CT Expression' macro. (open the macro browser by selecting + for insert more content or entering '{' on the page, then search 'sct' and select the macro)
- The hierarchical relationships between templates should be arranged by subpages in Confluence
- A new template should be created for updates with an increased version number for any subsequent changes to a published template in the Authoring Platform. The link to the current version in production should be provided in the page property table.
- Authors also needs to check the JIRA ticket for those with 'Ready for implementation' before making updates to the template. If the technical development has started, authors need to communicate with the developer to confirm if it is okay to make updates directly. If not, a new template should be created with a new version number.
Links to templates by hierarchy
- Active templates for use in production
- Anatomy templates
- Archived templates
- Association templates
- Clinical finding/disorder templates
- LOINC templates
- Observable entity templates
- Physical object templates
- Procedure templates
- Product templates
- Situation templates
- Template for simple disease (disorder) - v2.0
- Template for simple template of disease - v1.0
- Templates - development in progress
- Templates - development under review
- Templates - ready for technical implementation
Penni Hernandez
Congenital X disorder
Toni Morrison
Can you clarify the lead time needed for creation of new templates, specifically with respect to the drug concept model templates noted above? Thanks.
Yongsheng Gao
Toni Morrison These templates currently can only used for creating new concepts. I assume you want to make changes to existing content by applying template. This function will be developed in the iteration 3.
Toni Morrison
Yongsheng GaoI'll need it for both. Once we have a solid concept model, how long will it take to deploy the template into PROD for creation of new concepts?
Yongsheng Gao
Toni Morrison The release date for iteration 2 is Feb 1st. Let's try to include these template as soon as they are finalised. The release date for iteration 3 has not been determined. It could be at the end of our authoring for this release. The other option is to have an interim release for drug templates. I will look into it.
Toni Morrison
Yongsheng GaoPhuong SkovgaardWe won't be ready for the Iteration 2 deadline so either an interim release or waiting till Iteration 3 (depending on the date of course) would be our choices. At this point, I'm trying to understand the options and how the process works so that we can create/schedule the appropriate JIRA project tasks and can plan the content work accordingly.
Steve Archbold
Just to clarify the current scheduled release dates:
Thu 2 Feb is the next Authoring Platform maintenance update (tracking in APDS tickets).
Mid-Late March (to be confirmed) is the next major feature release (TBBA Iteration 2 delivery).
Yongsheng Gao
Thanks for correcting my error about release date.
Monica Harry
Yongsheng Gao - If I have edit rights I can do this myself - Please add a definition for status:
In progress - not ready for use, still being created - subject to change
Under review - considered final but awaiting approval - subject to change
Ready for implementation - Final, approved, awaiting upload to authoring platform
Yongsheng Gao
Monica Harry I updated the definitions for the template status. You should also have the admin right for the template site now.
Toni Morrison
Hi Yongsheng Gao Just for clarification - at what stage does testing of the template take place? I'm guessing during the "Under review" stage but as a submitter, how do I know when it's ready for testing? For the drug product-related templates, we need to do testing to make sure the terming is as expected with regard to the various combinations of in INN, US, and/or GB terming in particular. Also, are we able to test in a non-promotable PROD project or does it have to be UAT?
Yongsheng Gao
Hi Toni Morrison, the testing for the concept model can happen at the 'in progress' and 'under review' stages in the reporting platform. The generation of descriptions can only be tested after the template is implemented in the authoring platform. The UAT is the environment for testing. Please let me know if you have any specific requirements that cannot be covered by the UAT.
Toni Morrison
Hi Yongsheng Gao the biggest challenge with testing in UAT is that the content is outdated so there are times where it takes a lot of effort to untangle whether unexpected results are due to using old content or something that is broken or something someone changed in UAT only. Given the state of the substance and drug content, we should be able to test the templates if UAT contains the 2019-July Release or later, assuming no one has promoted changes in affected content.
Yongsheng Gao
Toni Morrison I was guessing that data could be an issue. We can always ask the technical team to load the latest production data into the UAT before you do the testing.
Bruce Goldberg
Yongsheng Gao I saved a template as a draft. Do you know how to locate it?
Yongsheng Gao
Hi Bruce Goldberg, you should find it under either Clinical finding/disorder templates or Situation templates. If it is not there, you will have to rely on the global Confluence Search on the top right of this page. The searching function is not brilliant on Confluence.
Bruce Goldberg
Thanks Yongsheng Gao. I could not locate it and went ahead and created a new one "
Chondrocalcinosis of [body stucture] caused by [substance] due to due to Disease - new template - draft"
but this area will need a lot of work. I may just delete this until I have done some testing of possible models.
Yongsheng Gao
Hi Bruce Goldberg, you can leave the new draft template as it is. Then, you can always modify it later.