Status | For review |
Version | .1 |
Term | Description type | Language/acceptability | Language/acceptability | Case significance |
Administration of [drug or medicament] prophylaxis (procedure) | FSN | us:P | gb:P | ci |
Administration of [drug or medicament] prophylaxis (procedure) | PT | us:P | gb:P | ci |
Concept model:
Attribute cardinality (role group cardinality if applicable) | Attribute cardinality within role group | Attribute | Value |
1..1 | 0..0 | 116680003 |Is a (attribute)| | 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| |
1..1 | 1..1 | 260686004 |Method (attribute)| | 129445006 |Administration - action (qualifier value)| |
1..1 | 363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)| | << 410942007 |Drug or medicament (substance)| | |
1..1 | 363703001 |Has intent (attribute)| | 360271000 |Prophylaxis - procedure intent (qualifier value)| |
Definition status:
900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|
Applies to:
<< 182929008 |Drug prophylaxis (procedure)|
Template language
71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| : [[~1..1 @rolegroup]] { [[~1..1]] 260686004 |Method (attribute)| = [[+id ( 129445006 |Administration - action (qualifier value)| ) ]], [[~1..1]] 363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)| = [[+id ( << 410942007 |Drug or medicament (substance)| ) ]], [[~1..1]] 363703001 |Has intent (attribute)| = [[+id ( 360271000 |Prophylaxis - procedure intent (qualifier value)| ) ]] }
Rules for description generation:
- Remove the semantic tag, e.g. (body structure)