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StatusIn PROD


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
Intoxication caused by [substance or product] (disorder)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
Intoxication caused by [substance or product] 
[substance or product] intoxicationSYNus:Agb:Aci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to

<<  1149322001 |Intoxication (disorder)|

Template Language

Link to the misaligned concept report

Rules for generating descriptions:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates

EDITORIAL GUIDELINES for Causative agent (attribute):


Concept type



Examples and Notes



  • 724711008 |Intoxication caused by ketamine (disorder)|
  • 45421006 |Amphetamine intoxication (disorder)|
  • 1149333003 |Acute alcohol intoxication (disorder)|

No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy

SubstanceStructure grouperyesnone


  • 1157240004 |Amfetamine and amfetamine derivative intoxication (disorder)|
SubstanceDisposition grouperyesnone


  • 77721001 |Opioid intoxication (disorder)|
SubstanceRole groupernonone


1149353004 |Psychoactive substance-induced intoxication (disorder)|

ProductStructure groupernonone

No use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.

ProductDisposition groupernononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductRole grouperyesnone

Examples to be added - pending*

ProductMedicinal product-containingyesnone

Examples to be added - pending*

ProductMedicinal product-onlynononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductMedicinal product form-containingnononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product form-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductMedicinal product form-onlynononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product form-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.
ProductClinical drugnononeNo use case has been identified for use of this concept type for modeling in this subhierarchy. Medicinal product form-containing concepts can be used for modeling in this subhierarchy.

JIRA ticket:

INFRA-6639 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Hi Jim Case and Yongsheng Gao

    Can you kindly review the template and let me know if you have any feedback? The template is created based on the EAG recommendation on poisoning and overdose during the following meetings.

    The inclusion of an optional finding site attribute is detailed in  GC-912 - Getting issue details... STATUS



    CC: Toni Morrison

  2. Are we limiting the finding site to only Brain structure? Are there other circumstances where there is an organ specific intoxication?

  3. Hi Jim Case

    Currently, there are no concept under intoxication that have a finding site except for the ones that are of type "X intoxication delirium". 2776000 |Delirium (disorder)| by definition has a finding site of brain structure (although some of the concepts under delirium have a broader finding site of "Structure of nervous system (body structure)" e.g 771418002 |Delirium following surgical procedure (disorder)| and subtypes).

    We have concepts such as 767291004 |Chronic pancreatitis due to acute alcohol intoxication (disorder)|, with finding site: Pancreatic structure (body structure), but this concept is defined as X due to intoxication so I don't think it is applicable.

    I can expand the range to body structure if it is preferred to accommodate potential future requests/use-cases?



    1. Expansion of the range is only necessary if we have a use case, which it appears we do not.