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We have noticed an inconsistency in our review of nontraumatic vs. spontaneous injury. In some cases we make a distinction between them:
1296953008 |Nontraumatic rupture of extensor tendon of left hand (disorder)|
321371000119100 |Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendon of left hand (disorder)|

whereas in other cases we treat them as synonymous:

In determining the meaning of nontraumatic vs. spontaneous, we have found that nontraumatic means injury not caused by an external force and could occur with or without premonitory signs or symptoms, whereas "spontaneous" injuries usually refer to acute injuries without premonitory signs or symptoms.

The primary question is whether in general clinical practice this distinction has value, and if so, 1) should SNOMED explicitly separate out concepts where spontaneous injury is expressed as a synonym for nontraumatic and 2) should SNOMED create nontraumatic injury concepts as parents to spontaneous injuries where a nontraumatic parent does not currently exist?

Contributors (5)