Describes the aims and objectives of the Content Managers Advisory Group (CMAG) throughout 2016

Overall objectives

The main purpose of the Content Managers Advisory Group in 2016 is to provide IHTSDO with national perspectives on identified content topics and issues through provision of advice and feedback.  



Teleconferences will be held every month on the second Tuesday of the month, and alterations to timing of meetings will be notified in advance (within 2 working weeks)

Face-to-Face meetings

The Content Managers AG plans to meet at both IHTSDO Business meetings during the year.

April 2016 - London, UK

  • Business meeting scheduled April 17th-20th, 2016
  • CMAG plans to meet for one half day during IHTSDO business meeting
  • Agenda to be agreed

October 2016 - Wellington, New Zealand

  • Business meeting scheduled October 23rd-28th, 2016
  • CMAG plans to meet for one half day  - details to be agreed
  • Agenda to be agreed


Group members are expected to provide a national perspective to deliberations regarding content development through

  • Advice and feedback on current SNOMED CT content projects and topics 
  • Identification of and support in the resolution of relevant SNOMED CT content focused issues that are of national and international significance
  • Provision of advice and support to enable an increase in authoring capacity throughout the IHTSDO and its members (distributed editing)
  • Assistance to Head of Content and IHTSDO Authoring Team in the prioritisation of content tracker items


  • The Content Managers AG will enable two-way communication between the IHTSDO Authoring Team and its Members on areas relevant to SNOMED CT content development.
  • The primary routes for communications will be the Content Managers AG Confluence Space and AG Meetings.
  • Communications to the Content Managers AG will by default, be publicly accessible on the AG Confluence Space.
  • Information that is not for public view may also be shared on pages that are accessible to Content Managers AG members only. Requests for closed areas must be sent to prior to posting materials.

Criteria for measuring success

The key criteria for success of the Content Managers AG in 2016 will be related to the provision of advice and feedback to the Head of Content and the IHTSDO Authoring Team.

The key measures of success in this area will be:

  • Initial work towards the development of criteria to support the prioritization of the issues on the IHTSDO Content Tracker. 
  • Evidence of the timely provision of advice and feedback on content topics and issues that are presented to the Group for the purposes of seeking input. 

Note: Given the update of this work plan in July- August 2016, the criteria required for measuring success have been set taking into account the remaining time available for carrying out this work plan. More substantial criteria will be set for 2017.  

2016-07-12 - CMAG Meeting - topic discussed at this meeting.

2016-08-09 - CMAG Meeting - plan approved by CMAG at this meeting.