Meeting details: Wednesday 5th February 2025, 1900 UTC

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Discussion items - Minutes in Draft. 


5 mins

  • Attendees list
  • Introductions
  • Welcome to guest presenters
  • Note:
    • The meeting will be recorded for the purpose of creating minutes. The recording of meeting will be available online until minutes approved. Once approved the recording will be deleted.
    • Joining the meeting by accepting the Zoom prompt declares that you have no objection to your comments being recorded


3Common Nursing Activities and Needs Erica Culp 

Key Takeaways from Member Forum Discussion - please also see attached document

1.     Governance & Collaboration: A clear policy and governance framework is needed through NRCs, SNOMED International, and nursing collaboration partners to guide nursing content development.

2.     Structured Approach: Governance should be prioritized before content development, ensuring stakeholder engagement (e.g., SNOMED Member Forum, Nursing CRG, ICN).

3.     Global SNOMED CT Implementation Roadmap for Nursing: Investigate international alignment, including links to ICNP. The further development and implementation of a SNOMED/ICNP care plan is central.

4.     Integration with International Initiatives: Nursing needs should be represented in broader health data efforts, such as EHDS, e-discharge guidance, and other nursing networks.

5.     Data Collection & AI Opportunities: Collecting nursing data is essential for comparing KPIs, patient safety and improving care. Exploring AI-driven methods for data collection, analysis, and dissemination could enhance insights and support

Camilla (Denmark) - Danish Nursing Society  - okay to join? Erica suggested connecting in via the Nursing CRG. If another meeting (MF discussion) is held they could attend.

There's significant interest in nursing care plans.

Monica Harry will raise with the Collaboration team. 

4Document types20 mins
  • Presentation by Germany
    • The German EHR started Jan 2025. Available to all. SNOMED CT is mandated. 
    • Looking for advice on document types from CMAG to support this. 
    • Need to consider how to name the documents for the EHR and get agreement across different players/organisations. 
    • Thinking SNOMED CT would be the better terminology in which to do this. SNOMED concepts currently lack definitions but like the structure. LOINC is less granular and has some gaps.
    • HL7 using LOINC
    • Questions
      • How can international interoperability be assured?
        • EU perspective?
        • Interest in other countries?
      • Will there be guidance from the LOINC-SNOMED collaboration?
      • What plans are there for this type of SNOMED content?
    • Group comments
      • Query on LOINC referred to Chief Terminologist (not present on call, response via message): It is in the plan to add the LOINC document ontology to the LOINC extension. The discussion around the modeling of the document ontology is still ongoing. Updates can be provided. 
      • Denmark - unsure potentially LOINC, however this would be discussed in the architecture department rather than terminology department. Expect document types would already be established given the length of time document exchange has been in place. With sharing across Europe- potentially a future topic. 
      • Canada - don't have one approach across the country. Aware Ontario use LOINC document reference for provincial records. Same with other implementations they are aware of.
        • There was a documentation ontology project group who has submitted quite a lot of content to LOINC.
      • Norway: Advice don't make your own national concepts if you don't have to, though a stronger case for that clinically than administratively.
      • SNOMED document types are usually managed at the national level at present though given the EU cross border perspective that may make some content more international. 

5National Content Modelling ForumGroup

6Briefing notesCathy Richardson 5 mins
7April Meeting planningGroup
  •  Topics
    • Country development activities update (please prep for this)
    • National Content Modelling Forum
    • Other?
  • Draft agenda link: 2025-04-08 - CMAG Meeting

8Other business

  • Reminder when the LOINC preview comes out we'll be looking for feedback - intended use, usefulness. 

9Next meeting



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Please review the Feb CMAG meeting minutes and advise of any corrections/additions required. Responses due by 28 Feb 2025. Thank you. 

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