Identify those which are internationally interoperable; recognising each country has a different approach i.e. may be lexically same but potential different semantics,
Establish which is the correct format - consider translation
Create a policy which applies to these and future requests for new content in this area
Decide which are realm specific and return to National extension
Camilla Wiberg Danielsen Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page. Please use the excel spreadsheet that was provided for stage one.
Daniel Karlsson Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Sheree Hemingway Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Elze de GrootAdministrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Karina Revirol Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Linda ParisienAdministrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Matt Cordell Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Olivier BodenreiderAdministrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Jostein Ven Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page.
Theresa Barry Administrative content stage two review as noted on this page.