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12 July 2016, 20:00 - 21:00 UTC



Discussion items (In draft)



2Apologies/conflicts of interest  
3Action List


  • CMAG site version differs to website.
    • Review of an updated version of the ToR.
      • The updated ToR will be presented at the meeting.
5CMAG work plan
  • Review of work plan. Update to be presented at meeting.
  • Meeting minutes
  • CDR
  • Content relevant Management Board updates
  • Member countries without CMAG representation - input on their priorities
    • Member Forum communication



Microorganism name changes

Microorganism name changes 
7Open topicsAll 
  • Inception/elaboration and SIRS

  • Development of criteria to support prioritization of tracker items
    • Suggest subgroup to develop and bring back to the larger CMAG group.
9October Face to Face
  • A request has been made for 5 - 10 objectives on what the CMAG plan to complete at the October meeting. (Due for submission latest: 3 October 16)
    1. 2017 Work plan
    2. Remainder to be determined.

October Face to Face meeting topics

10Any other businessALL  

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document 20160712_CMAG_draft minutes_v0.2.docx 2016-Sep-23 by Fleur McBriar


Previous Meetings

No content found.



  1. Hi Cathy

    I do not think we have received any written description clarifying the rationale behind the three suggested 'Microorganism name changes' in agenda item 4. I asked for it at the London meeting as well as on the CMAG meeting on May 10th. I will need to forward any question about the changes to DK experts as I am a terminologist not a microbiologist. I do not think we can discuss this item before we have had the opportunity and time to do so.


  2. Yes- understand and agree. With items that require input I'd expect to allow you time to review, seek feedback etc. This agenda here is the July one and this item will come back for that meeting. I'll be talking further with Farzaneh on timing around this one. 




  3. Hi Cathy

    I'm away on vacation July 12th, but has forwarded the invite to my colleague Palle G. Petersen.


  4. I am out of the office for a conference today. Apologies.

  5. CMAG members,

    Following this meeting clarification was given on the number of objectives we are required to submit for the October conference meeting. It is 1-2 per group. Not 5-10 as originally advised.



  6. Hi Cathy,

    I reviewed the minutes and saw my abbrev name in the Attendees List is LPO. Can you change it to LPA? Thanks.

    Otherwise, the minutes look good. Thanks.

  7. Linda Parisien - will do, sorry for that. Cathy