Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Welcome | | | |
2 | Apologies/conflicts of interest | | | |
3 | Action List | | | |
4 | ToR | | - CMAG site version differs to website.
- Review of an updated version of the ToR.
- The updated ToR will be presented at the meeting.
| |
5 | CMAG work plan | | - Review of work plan. Update to be presented at meeting.
| |
5 | Communication | | - Meeting minutes
- Content relevant Management Board updates
- Member countries without CMAG representation - input on their priorities
- Member Forum communication
| |
6 | Microorganism name changes | | Microorganism name changes | |
7 | Open topics | All | | |
8 | Trackers | | - Inception/elaboration and SIRS
- Development of criteria to support prioritization of tracker items
- Suggest subgroup to develop and bring back to the larger CMAG group.
| |
9 | October Face to Face | | - A request has been made for 5 - 10 objectives on what the CMAG plan to complete at the October meeting. (Due for submission latest: 3 October 16)
- 2017 Work plan
- Remainder to be determined.
October Face to Face meeting topics | |
10 | Any other business | ALL | | |