
Blog from May, 2017

The SNOMED CT Languages Project Group will be meeting again this week on Wednesday 24th May at 20:00 UTC using the Zoom meeting Please refer to 2017-05-24 - SLPG Meeting for the meeting agenda.

I have now completed the version 1.3 updates to the SNOMED CT Expression Constraint Language, as discussed at the last SLPG meeting.

Could members of the SLPG please review the updates at by Friday 9th June (i.e. in the next 3 weeks). If you would like additional time to complete the review, please contact me as soon as possible.

Please pay particular attention to the syntax changes described under 'Version 1.3' of Previous Versions, the revised brief syntax in 5.1 Brief Syntax (Normative), the new nested examples page - 6.7 Nested Expression Constraints - and the new section explaining cardinality applied to reversed attributes at the bottom of 6.3 Cardinality


The SNOMED CT Languages Project Group will be meeting again this week on Wednesday 10th May at 20:00 UTC. Please refer to 2017-05-10 - SLPG Meeting for the meeting agenda.

Please note that SNOMED International is now using ZOOM for teleconferences, so to join this and future SLPG meetings please go to

For more information on how to join Zoom meetings, please go to our ZOOM confluence page or visit