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StatusIn progress



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance
Infectious inflammation of [body structure] (disorder)
Infectious inflammation of [body structure]

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies To:

<<  128139000 |Inflammatory disorder (disorder)|  : [1..1] { [1..1]  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)|  = *  }, [1..1]  370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|  = *  , [0..0]  370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|  = <<  263680009 |Autoimmune process| , [0..0]  370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|  = <<  472963003 |Hypersensitivity process (qualifier value)|

Template Language

64572001 |Disease (disorder)|: [[~0..1]] { [[~0..1]] 263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)| = [[+id( <288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)|) @course]] } , [[~1..*]] { [[~0..1]] 246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)| = [[+id( <282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)|) @life ]] , [[~1..1]] 116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = [[+id( << 409774005 |Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)| ) @morphology ]], [[~1..1]] 370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)| = [[+id( << 441862004 |Infectious process (qualifier value)|) @proc]], [[~1..1]] 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = [[+id( < 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)|) @site ]], [[~1..1]] 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)| = [[+id( < 410607006 |Organism (organism)| ) @agent ]] }

Rules for description generation:

  1. Remove the semantic tag, e.g. (body structure)
  2. Remove 'Structure of' from [body structure] if term starts with 'Structure of'   e.g. 709530002|Structure of phalanx of hand (body structure)|
  3. Remove 'structure' from [body structure] if term contains 'structure', e.g. 69536005|Head structure (body structure)|   24097009|Bone structure of hand (body structure)|

Additional Notes

This is a variation of Inflammation of [body structure] (disorder) - v1.0 but where we have causative agent that is an Organism, we also have an infectious pathological process


  1. Peter G. Williams - this template should work for the infectious inflammatory disorders. I have amended by making Clinical course optional and broadening Associated morphology to descendants of and Inflammatory morphology.

  2. Monica Harry Peter G. Williams

    This template requires an "organism" for the "causative agent", I haven't run a report but I think a great deal of the concepts with the pattern "Infective X (disorder)" do not state an organism, just the RG of pathologic process/finding site/morphology.  Before adding a bunch of "causative agent = X" I just wanted to make sure this is what is wanted.  Thank you

    1. Oh I think this is more of an authoring question than a technical one so I'll tag Jim Case here.

      It seems to me that if it is the case that when you say infection you're saying there's always an organism causing that, such that the very definition of an infectious disorder is that an organism causative agent is always present (even if we don't know what exactly), then that's something we'd want to model, and align to the template by adding those where required.

      The template that Monica Harrysuggested here still has the causative agent as mandatory.  I believe the question here is whether or not we make it optional.

      1. Thanks Peter,

        Yes, an authoring Q.

        The causative agent is mandatory otherwise it is not infectious. I think the template I referenced is the one to use for those disorders which are inflammatory and infectious. The Q is whether we need to expand the values to be descendants of Organism NOT constrained to Superkingdom bacteria?

        1. I question whether this should be mandatory if the agent is not known, but the PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS is "known" to be infectious.  There are instances where it is not possible to determine the nature of the infection (e.g. bacterial vs. viral).  I do not know if we have classes like that in SNOMED, but it does happen clinically.

  3. Hopefully everyone who's contributed to this page will see this, but on our call today we really locked down which concepts this template should apply to by adding zero cardinality attributes to the domain ECL, which made the misaligned concepts report much easier to work with - getting rid of the wood so we could see the trees.

  4. Just to confirm: where the infecting organism is a parasite, would the FSN still be Infectious inflammation of <body site> or  Parasitic inflammation of <body site> (since Parasitic process is a subtype of Infectious process)?

  5. Hi Monica Harry Should the descriptions here be infectious inflammation of <x body structure> caused by <y organism>? See Penny's question above. Thanks, Cathy.