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Date and time

2019-10-29 5.30 UTC (13.30 local Malasian time)


Introduce the Observables model to newcomers.

Discuss when to apply the process and the quality pattern respectively.

Discuss how to progress a resolution to the Observable/Evaluation procedure demarcation issue.

Discussion items

See below.

1Welcome & apologies
  • Remember recording!

2Conflicts of interest

None stated

3Minutes from previous meetingDaniel Karlsson

4Intro to Observables modelPresentation was provided. A discussion mainly on the level of specification of Observables regarding e.g. units (specified or not specified in the definition) and property type (amount of substance or mass concentration or generic quantity concentration).

5Process vs quality pattern

Discussion page here.


Presentation here.

Issue: potentially two different patterns for representing rate or rate like observables depending on whether the observable is a sample in time or the sample represents a total, e.g. heart rate in beats per minute represents a time-discreet observation over a sample, not the number of beats during a specified minute instance. Today, all Observables of this (or these) kind(s) are represented as process observables.

The issue was discussed at the EAG meeting 2019-10-28 and the conclusion was that a single pattern would be used for all rate observables, including when there is a specified period in the Observable FSN.

The discussion at the Observables PG meeting to the opposite direction. A separation of cases where the time-span is a totality and where the time-span is a "random" sample. E.g. the intake of protein during a specific day is a mass observable and not a mass rate observable.


Look at examples on the discussion page.


Observables and Evaluation procedures

Issue: since Observables were introduced into SNOMED CT the demarcation between Observables and Evaluation procedures has been a potential source of variability of SNOMED CT use. In order to progress this issue the group need to agree on what knowledge is needed to inform any future decision.

Also this issue was discussed at the EAG meeting 2019-10-28: the SNOMED concepts in the Evaluation procedure hierarchy were the result of an import from LOINC in 1997. Though, from that time on concepts have been added in different ways. In some implementations (e.g. KP) Evaluation procedures have been used for ordering (and LOINC for reporting). When Read codes where used, the same codes were used both for requesting and reporting.

As shown in the figure above, Evaluation procedures and Observables represent two aspects of the same entity: either a procedure observing some feature or an observable about some feature, observed using some observation procedure. Both concept models share the representation both of what is observed (the feauture) and how that is observed (the procedure).

The information model will provide context to any code used in a request or report model.

Given the two application domains, is there a requirement to host both in SNOMED CT? Are there "tangible" differences (e.g. in specificity) between the procedure or observable feature aspect?

To inform decision making some information should be gathered, including information on number of JIRA issues relating to Evaluation procedures and Observables, use in SNOMED CT definitions as value of the | INTERPRETS | attribute, and information on actual use in information systems.

7Next meeting

Next meeting is 2019-11-18 20.00UTC

  • Reminde Mental Health CRG to continue discussion on MH observables

More Zoom details

Topic: Observables meeting

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