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2017-08-07 20.00 UTC


Discussion items

1Welcome & apologies


2Conflicts of interest
  • None stated
3Previous minutes

4Observables MRCM updates
  • 704318007 | Property type (attribute) |→ 370130000 | Property (attribute) |
    • Keep definition from 704318007 | Property type (attribute) |?
    • Agreed with retirement of 704318007 | Property type (attribute) |
  • Add 105590001 | Substance (substance) | to range of 704322002 | Process agent (attribute) |
    • | Pharma/biol. products | are in the range
    • Agreed with proposed change
  • Documentation and definition should be updated

5LOINC collaboration

6Findings vs. Observables
  • See presentation

7Next meeting(s)
  • Next meeting is 2017-08-21


Meeting Files

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