There will be two E-Learning Advisory Group calls in August to fit in with the availability of people in different timezones. The agenda of these meetings will be identical so there is no expectation of people attending both sessions.

Date  19:00-20:00 UTC (M1)
 and  08:00-09:00 UTC (M2)

  • Please follow the links on the times above to see the times in your timezone.

GoToMeeting Details

Click here to see GoToMeeting joining information

Click here to see GoToMeeting recordings (ELAG members only)


  • Report on progress of E-Learning delivery and maintenance
  • Report and discuss plans for moves towards
    • More flexible course progress options
    • Open access courses an alternative study pathways
    • Additional E-Learning materials 





M2: Manisha Mantri (India)


Agenda and Meeting Notes

Note on agenda item timing


Welcome, introductions and apologies

ELAG meetings will be recorded and recordings will be accessible to ELAG members.


2Conflicts of interestRefer to Conflicts of interest section in the Advisory Groups Manual
3Update from Team

Brief updates on any key points including, intakes, successful completion and course feedback.

  • Foundation Course
  • Implementation Course
  • Content Development Course
  • Update on webinar delivery situation with new staff on board and options considered for more flexible intakes and course progress for Implementation course
  • Content course arrangements for webinar delivery

Course generally running smoothly. Slightly higher deferral rates with more recent intakes. Content course demand exceeding capacity and external resource will be assisting with webinars to attempt to meet demand going forward.

See powerpoint attachment to this page for more detailed information.

4ELAG Work Plan-See subtopics below - note change in running order ... 
4.1National Priorities/Activities (WP4)    

Questions we asked on the ELAG blog

  • What is your NRC doing to facilitate SNOMED CT education relevant to your national situation?
  • Are delays in entry to the Implementation course and/or Content course causing practical problems for adoption and deployment of SNOMED CT in your country?
  • What single change to our SNOMED CT E-Learning services would make the most cost-effective impact on SNOMED CT implementation in your country?
  • Please notify prior to meeting of any updates on activities at national level and/or national educational priorities relevant to ELAG that you would like to report or discuss on the call.

Key messages were that several countries were primarily pointing people to the IHTSDO E-Learning service.

A few countries (inc. UK, Canada, Sweden) were also offering some national education related to SNOMED CT in the national context.

4.1Supporting Delivery (WP1) 
  • Scalable E-Learning - practical experience of varied levels of engagement and huge variations in demand for support from students
  • Input invited from Members on the above with a focus on ways to facilitate increases to course capacity and national localization

Sweden had provided national webinar support for Foundation course students. However, the more frequent entry dates have made this less easy to schedule.

Australia and UK who planned to offer two people each to support the Implementation course webinars were unable to do this due to organizational changes and other pressures. Expansion of IHTSDO team has reduced the need for this.

4.2Development Advice (WP2)    
  • E-Learning team update and ELAG discussion on challenges and opportunities related to realizing the recommendations for ...
    • Continuing provision of formal courses to meet current and anticipated demand
    • Greater open access E-Learning material availability
    • Alternative study pathways through existing materials
    • Addition of new course materials

Team has been studying options for open source alongside formal courses. Expect to launch this in 2017. Alternative pathways will include MF request 'crash course for implementers" a course consisting of the technical and practical aspect from Implementation course that can be completed in roughly 16 hours of study over two-days (without formal assessment).

There was broad support in both meetings for the direction of travel outlined here. More detailed guidance will be sought at the face-to-face meeting (see 5 below).

4.3Supporting Sharing (WP3)    
  • Translation activities update
  • Updates from Members on any current use of Foundation Course shared materials.
  • Availability of Implementation course materials for sharing.
  • Timing of availability of other course materials
  • Update on documentation migration progress
All implementation course materials will be available in the share course before end of September.
5Future meeting dates/times
  • Face-to-Face meeting in Wellington NZ  (afternoon local time)
    • Attendance check - who expects to the there? who expects to join remotely (despite timezone challenges)?
    • Goals for the meeting include
      • Report status of E-Learning courses
      • Report E-Learning Team plans for 2017 - Easy access, Audience specific study pathways (including a 'crash course' for implementers), More flexible timing for advanced courses.
      • Get broader input and advice on specific issues related planned changes and developments
      • Establish interest in additional translations of course material
      • Establish interest for distributed support for localized SNOMED CT E-Learning services from IHTSDO E-Learning Platform
      • Planning for ELAG meeting and work in 2017
  • Next call planning - Should this be before or after Wellington?

Both ELAG meeting sessions agreed there should not be a further meeting before Wellington.

There will be a further phone conference planned before end of year - probably in early/mid December.

6Any other businessNotify before meeting
  • Any other business at discretion of Chair subject to available time.


Meeting Files

No files shared here yet.