The SNOMED International Education Team delivers a range of courses and learning pathways for beginners through to advanced users. Courses are available on our SNOMED CT Courses Catalogue.


  • SNOMED CT Foundation Course - Presents the why, what and how of SNOMED CT. This is a self-paced course available to start at any time.
  • Curso de Fundamentos de SNOMED CT (Spanish) - Presenta el por qué, el qué y el cómo de SNOMED CT. Este es un curso de velocidad propia disponible para comenzar en cualquier momento.
  • SNOMED CT Implementation Course - Teaches the SNOMED CT specific knowledge and skills required to implement a SNOMED CT enabled system. The Implementation Course is self paced, each learner can move through the modules at their own pace completing the course from between as little as 1 month to a maximum of 12 months.
  • SNOMED CT Terminology Services Course - Teaches the principles of using a SNOMED CT terminology server to search and retrieve SNOMED CT content. This self-paced course contains around 12 hours of learning activities, including online presentations, videos and practical exercises using two terminology service APIs.
  • SNOMED CT Authoring Level 1 Course - Teaches the knowledge and skills needed to perform basic SNOMED CT authoring tasks, including creating, editing and inactivating components. This is a 6-month course with hands-on activities on our SNOMED CT authoring platform, and interactive online webinars with experienced authors. This course also prepares for the SNOMED CT Authoring Level 1 certification exam.
  • SNOMED CT Authoring Level 2 Course - Teaches experienced SNOMED CT authors to extend and develop their authoring skills. This is a 6-month course with a strong focus on students learning through practical authoring exercises performed on our training authoring platform and interactive online webinars with experienced authors. This course is a prerequisite for the SNOMED CT Authoring Level 2 certification exam.



  • SNOMED CT for Developers - A collection of E-Learning resources designed to teach software engineers how to leverage the capabilities of SNOMED CT.
  • SNOMED CT for Data Analysts - A collection of SNOMED CT E-Learning resources designed to teach data analysts on how to use SNOMED CT to support clinical data analytics.
  • SNOMED CT for Clinicians - Introduces SNOMED CT to clinicians and answers some of the questions commonly asked, including: What is SNOMED CT?, Why should I be interested in SNOMED CT?, How do I use SNOMED CT?, How do I implement SNOMED CT?, How do I contribute to SNOMED CT? SNOMED CT for Clinicians is self-paced and takes approximately 3 hours to complete.
  • SNOMED CT for Translators - This short education pathway introduces SNOMED CT to Translators and covers the common requirements to understanding SNOMED CT. It incorporates e-learning content from pre-existing courses. By completing this pathway a learner will have the basic SNOMED CT knowledge that a translator may require in performing translation. This will help anyone who is starting on their SNOMED translation journey. SNOMED CT for Translators is self-paced and takes approximately 3 hours to complete.