Each concept has a concept definition.
A concept definition is a set of one or more axioms that partially or sufficiently specify the meaning of a SNOMED CT concept.
- Concept definitions are represented in two ways in SNOMED CT release files:
- As a stated view represented by axioms that conform to the OWL Functional Syntax distributed in the OWL Expression Reference Set file.
- As an inferred view represented by defining relationships that are distributed in the relationship file. The inferred view is generated by applying description logic classification to the stated view.
- Concept definitions include two distinct elements
- Axioms that assert that a concept is a subtype of one or more other concepts. In the inferred view these are represented as subtype relationships.
- Axioms that assert characteristics of a concept that distinguish it from its supertypes. In the inferred view these are represented as attribute relationships.
Requirements and Options
Table 4.4-1 describes several distinct types of access to concept definitions and the client application functionalities that each of these access types supports.
General purpose terminology services that are able to access subtype relationships relationships can be used to meet a limited set of SNOMED CT use cases. However, SNOMED CT terminology services should also provide access to the inferred view of concept definitions.
Advanced SNOMED CT terminology services require the ability to access and interpret the axioms that represent the stated view of concept definitions. They should also enable description logic classification either as a built in service or via an interface to separate classifier. Services that support classification provide added value for data retrieval and analysis by enabling post-coordinated expressions to be classified and appropriately located in the subtype hierarchy.
The required services listed in Table 4.4-2 omit services that only require access to subtype relationships, as these are described in 4.5 Get and Test Concept Subtypes and Supertypes.
Table 4.4-1: Practical Requirements for Access to Concept Definitions
Terminology Service Access to Definitions | Client Application Functionality Supported |
Access to subtype relationships:
| Display subtype hierarchy
A subtype hierarchy is a classification hierarchy in which each node is connected to its supertypes.
Access to the transitive closure of subtype relationships:
| Testing subsumption between concepts
A subsumption test is a test to determine if a specified candidate concept or expression is a subtype descendant of another specified concept or expression. |
Access to the complete inferred view of concept definitions, including subtype relationships and attribute relationships | Display of inferred concept definition
The inferred view is a representation of concept definitions that is logically derived by applying a description logic classifier to the stated view. Postcoordinated expression creation
A subsumption test is a test to determine if a specified candidate concept or expression is a subtype descendant of another specified concept or expression. Expression constraint and query creation
An expression constraint is A computable rule that is used to define a set of clinical meanings.
Access to the complete stated view of concept definitions, as OWL axioms | Display of stated concept definition
The stated view is a representation of concept definitions consisting only of assertions made or revised by SNOMED CT authors. Terminology authoring
A SNOMED CT authoring is the process of creating or editing SNOMED CT concepts, concept definitions and descriptions. Terminology classification
A Description logic classification is a process that generates a set of logically consistent inferences by applying description logic rules to the stated view of concept definitions. Expression classification
Table 4.4-2: Services Required1
Service Name and Status | Input | Output |
Get inferred necessary normal form definition of a concept 2 REQUIRED |
Get stated definition of a concept ADVANCED |
Required By
- Other Services
- Use Cases
Depends On
Service Examples
The Snowstorm and FHIR examples are presented in plain text and URL encoded versions. Always use the "Encoded URL" when testing the example service requests. The plain text version is included to aid readability but using this version in a service request may result in errors. These errors result from characters that have to be encoded as they are not permitted in a URL (see IETF RFC1738).
Table 4.4-3: Snowstorm API
Service Name | API Call5 | Result |
Get the inferred necessary normal form definition of a concept |
GET [snowstorm]/[branch]/concepts/[conceptId]/normal-form?includeTerms=[true|false] for example GET [snowstorm]/MAIN/2020-01-31/concepts/6025007/normal-form?includeTerms=true Encoded URL GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/concepts/6025007/normal-form?includeTerms=true or without including the terms
GET [snowstorm]/MAIN/2020-01-31/concepts/6025007/normal-form Encoded URL GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/concepts/6025007/normal-form | Returns a JSON data object containing a compositional grammar expression representing the inferred definition of the concept. If the optional includeTerms parameter is set to true the expression includes the fully specified names of each concept referenced in the expression. Otherwise only the expression only includes the concept identifiers. |
Get the stated definition of a concept |
GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/members?referenceSet=733073007&referencedComponentId=[conceptId]
GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/members?referenceSet=733073007&referencedComponentId=6025007 Encoded URL GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/members?referenceSet=733073007&referencedComponentId=6025007 GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/members?referenceSet=733073007&referencedComponentId=473011001 Encoded URL GET [snowstorm]/MAIN%2F2020-01-31/members?referenceSet=733073007&referencedComponentId=473011001 | This service returns a JSON representation of one or more members of in the OWL expression reference set that together represent the stated definition of the identified concept. Each of these reference set members contains an axiom, represented using OWL Functional Syntax, in the additionalFields.owlExpression property string. |
Table 4.4-4: FHIR API
Service Name | API Call6 | Result |
Get the inferred necessary normal form definition of a concept |
[fhir]/CodeSystem/$lookup?system=http://snomed.info/sct&code=[conceptId]&property=normalForm&_format=json for example GET [fhir]/CodeSystem/$lookup?system=http://snomed.info/sct&code=6025007&property=normalForm&_format=json | Returns a JSON representation of information containing the definition of the concept. The data returned includes the necessary inferred, normal form definition of the concept represented as a compositional grammar expression. |
Get the stated definition of a concept | N/A | This service is not supported by the FHIR terminology services API |
Table 4.4-5: MySQL Example Database
Service Name | SQL Query 7 | Result |
Get the inferred necessary normal form definition of a concept | -- Get inferred defining relationships SELECT typeId,destinationId,group FROM snap_relationship WHERE AND active=1 AND sourceId=[conceptId] AND characteristicType=900000000000011006; for example -- Get inferred defining relationships SELECT typeId,destinationId,group FROM snap_relationship WHERE active=1 AND characteristicType=900000000000011006 AND sourceId=6025007; or including terms -- Get inferred defining relationships with terms SELECT CONCAT(typeId,"|",typeTerm,"|=", destinationId,"|",destinationTerm,"|") 'value', relationshipGroup 'group' FROM snap_rel_def_fsn WHERE sourceId=6025007; | Returns the set of rows each containing one defining relationship with its associated relationship group number. |
Get the stated definition of a concept | -- Get stated defining axioms SELECT owlExpression FROM snap_refset_owlexpression WHERE active=1 AND refsetId=733073007 AND referencedComponentId=[conceptId] ORDER BY owlExpression; for example -- Get stated defining axioms SELECT owlExpression FROM snap_refset_owlexpression WHERE active=1 AND refsetId=733073007 AND referencedComponentId=6025007 ORDER BY owlExpression; or as example of a concept defined by more than one axiom -- Get stated defining axioms SELECT owlExpression FROM snap_refset_owlexpression WHERE active=1 AND refsetId=733073007 AND referencedComponentId=473011001 ORDER BY owlExpression; | Returns the set of rows each containing one OWL axiom. The sort order used in this query ensures that class axioms appear before any GCI axioms 7 |