

As explained in 2.2.3 Scope of the Guide this guide focuses on read-only services without a user interface. Therefore, this section only outlines the requirements for the more general terminology services that support the authoring process.

It does not address services that are specific to authoring such as assignment and management of editing tasks, version management, creating and updating concepts, descriptions and other terminology artifacts. Neither does it address user interface design and related services that enable effective terminology authoring.

Table 3.8-1 shows a summary of the read-only terminology services required to support effective terminology authoring.

Table 3.8-1: Services Required to Support Terminology Authoring and Review

Practical Requirement

Status 1

Required Terminology Services2

Additional Terminology Service Dependencies3

Enable selection of SNOMED CT edition and version to be used.


4.1 Select Edition and VersionN/A
Select supertypes, attributes and values to define a concept


4.2 Get a Concept, Description or Relationship


Display terms for concepts in search results, definitions, expressions and expression constraints


4.3 Get Terms for a Concept


Get the inferred view as OWL definition following classification


4.4 Get Definition of a Concept


Get stated definition of a concept in OWL in authoring environment


4.4 Get Definition of a Concept


Get attributes that can be applied to an identified concept


4.13 Get Concept Model Rules


Get range of values that can be applied to an identified attribute


4.13 Get Concept Model Rules


Applications designed to address this use case must support the practical requirements marked as Required. Support for the practical requirements marked as Optional is recommended as these provide enhanced functionality that may be required by some users.
In most cases, a reference to a subsection of 4 Terminology Service Types, implies a requirement for all services marked as Required in that subsection. However, where a reference is followed by a bulleted list, that list specifies the specific terminology services required. Some of the specific services listed as required for an Optional practical requirement may be marked as Recommended in the referenced subsection.
The Additional Terminology Service Dependencies column contains references to services on which a Required Terminology Service depends. This column does not restate dependencies on services listed as required service or additional dependencies for essential requirements listed in earlier rows. A full list of the dependencies of each terminology service is provided in the relevant subsection of 4 Terminology Service Types.

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