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01-May-2023 at 15:30 - 16:30 UTC

Discussion items

1Record meetingScott Campbell 

2Status update
  1. Solid tumors effectively done

  1. Review content coverage 
    1. Qualifiers for responses to therapy
    2. % concept
    3. anatomic locations
  2. Pediatric tumor still to do (Wilms is complete)
3UICC Letter
  1. Met last week 26-Apirl

  1. Draft letter created for potential submission to SNOMED Intl by interested NRC's

  2. Note the letter should be addressed to: SNOMED Senior Management Team
  3. Paul Seegers will coordinate with CSRWG members and other NRCs to get this letter coordinated and submitted with all collaborating representative organizations.
4Colon and/or rectumScott Campbell 
  1. Updates?

No updates

5ExpoScott Campbell 
  1. Proposing 4 hour work shop on how to use what this group has created
  1. Who plans to attend?
  2. Who would like to participate?
  3. Abstract due tomorrow
  4. Focus is on review of this content, how it is intended to be used, methods for implementation, use of data for analytics

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PDF File SIOP-F4.pdf 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Capture.PNG 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2023-1-9_8-57-50.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Briefing Note Primary and Metastatic Member Forum March 2022 (1).pdf 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Primary and Metastatic draft EAG Briefing Note v1 CMAG (1).pdf 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-56-29.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-34.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-11.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_11-25-50.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-37-22.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-36-24.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-35-11.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9.02.45 AM.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-24-30.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-3-22.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document Immunohistochemistry.docx 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-13-14.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-12-44.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-11-56.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-47-53.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-37-59.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document SBAR_HistologyContent.docx 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-57-30.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-58-39.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217527005.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217526001.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1178984009.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-630001000004109.png 2023-May-01 by Scott Campbell

Previous Meetings

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