Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

06-February-2023 at 15:30 - 16:30 UTC

Discussion items

1Record meetingScott Campbell 

2Closing gaps in content - dysplasia and neoplasia at marginsScott Campbell 
  1. Proposal and 

  1. The concept: 127569003 |In situ neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)|  subsumes high-grade dysplasia, in situ carcinoma, high grade intraepithelial neoplasia and other concepts.  Using this term for those "blended" non-invasive tumors at the surgical margin (e.g., high grade dysplasia/in situ carcinoma)  will serve the clinical use case for these observable entity concepts.  No need to create "and/or" concepts here.


    Regarding the QI work in histologies, Brian made the observation during our extended #plasia discussion. Tuesday, that the framework for proper structure in this hierarchy may be present.  Specifically, this is what he and I propose:


    1. All histologies should have a parent concept that asserts behavior (/0, /1, /2, /3, /6)
      1. <<3898006 |Neoplasm, benign (morphologic abnormality)|. (/0)
      2. <<86251006 |Neoplasm of uncertain behavior (morphologic abnormality)|
      3. <<127569003 |In situ neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)|. (/2)
      4. <<1240414004 |Malignant neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)| (/3)
      5. <<14799000 |Neoplasm, metastatic (morphologic abnormality)|. (/6)
      6. <<6219000 |Neoplasm, malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic (morphologic abnormality)|  (/9)
    1. All histologies will also be a subtype of their cell lineage type(s) (embryologic)

    Given these two overarching design features, we have a sound framework.  Item 1 is needed for both knowledge representation as well as alignment with WHO.  Item 2 is fundamental to knowledge management.


    I think this also allows us to remove "bad" concepts that include the organ references when not necessary.  As Thomas noted well on Monday, the organ is important for a clinical finding/disorder, that is the morphology is present in an organ.

  2. Suggest that a parent of 127569003 |In situ neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)| be created to subsume ALL non-invasive neoplasms and not only in situ forms.  This will include High grade appendiceal lesions, Low grade appendiceal lesions, intramucosal carcinoma, etc

Scott Campbell will create some possible alternatives and share with group for input.

3Neuroendocrine grade/morphology

Blending grade and type

neuroendocrine protocols assume the neoplasm is neuroendocrine.  Thus, only grade is solicited but question phrased as Histology type and grade of tumor.  OK to use our content of Histologic grade of neuroendocrine neoplasm of organ X = G- well-defined neuroendocrine histologic grade

This is fine IF |Inheres in| = |well-defined neuroendocrine tumor|

4Question from Irish NRCScott Campbell Breast check codes

Are there SNOMED CT equivalent codes for S codes, B codes and R codes used in Breastcheck Screening? []

Discussed.  May need to create observables.

5NeurotropismIs it the same (essentially) as perineurial invasion

Scott Campbell will make concept as a primitive


8Business meeting
  1. In person/mixed

April 2 and 4 for cancer synoptics; April 5 for pathology CRG

Date? for UK/RCPath in Cambridge

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document Immunohistochemistry.docx 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-13-14.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-12-44.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-11-56.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-47-53.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-37-59.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document SBAR_HistologyContent.docx 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-57-30.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-58-39.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217527005.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217526001.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1178984009.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-630001000004109.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PDF File SIOP-F4.pdf 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Capture.PNG 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2023-1-9_8-57-50.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Briefing Note Primary and Metastatic Member Forum March 2022 (1).pdf 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Primary and Metastatic draft EAG Briefing Note v1 CMAG (1).pdf 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-56-29.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-34.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-11.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_11-25-50.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-37-22.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-36-24.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-35-11.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9.02.45 AM.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-24-30.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-3-22.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2023-Feb-03 by Scott Campbell

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