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As a result on work of translating NCPT and SNOMED CT into Swedish we have the following remarks:

Contributors (2)


  1. We found these mappings which might need discussion:

    The "On examination..." codes were inactivated in the Jan21 release (ANDUIDs 10387, 10390, 10395, 10396, 10398).

    11789 Increased loss of hair → 278040002 Loss of hair (finding) : "increased" is missing from SNOMED concept

    11803 Hand and nails → 116311003 Finding of hand region (finding) : nails can be toe nails? (Generally, the "rubric level" NCPT terms might be more difficult to map to SNOMED)

    14012 Total fluid estimated intake in 24 hours → 784184006 Estimated oral fluid intake in 24 hours (observable entity) : "oral" is in the SNOMED concept but not in NCPT

  2. We have prepared an Excel document with some questions about NCPT→SNOMED mappings, but I'm not allowed to attach document, so here's a copy of the contents.


    10206                Initiation of breastfeeding3131373131169745008Breastfeeding started (finding)SNOMED CT International42186

    Mapping to new Observable "Date of breastfeeding initiation"
    10100                        Iodine estimated intake in 24 hours31313136323143700175002Estimated intake of iodine in 24 hours (observable entity)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    Inactive concept, should be 789351002
    11685                    Abdominal cramping31343131353260043000Midabdominal crampy pain (finding)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    51197009 | Stomach cramps (finding) | or new concept w | finding site | = 818995003 | Structure of skeletal muscle of abdomen (body structure) |?
    11691                    Bulky stool313431313538271841006Large stool (finding)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    71872007 | Bulky stool (finding) |?
    11433                        Total fat estimated intake in 24 hours31313135313131819967009Estimated intake of fat and oil in 24 hours (observable entity)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    Total? Cf. Lab medicine use of total vs. not. Total = all sources or all types of fat or with derivatives?
    11457                        Total protein estimated intake in 24 hours31313135333131792882006Estimated intake of protein and protein derivative in 24 hours (observable entity)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    14012                        Total fluid estimated intake in 24 hours31313132313131784184006Estimated oral fluid intake in 24 hours (observable entity)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    Oral in SNOMED mapping
    11658                Adipose3134313132410747005Subcutaneous tissue finding (finding)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    Mapping of NCPT rubric level?
    11789                    Increased loss of hair313431314142278040002Loss of hair (finding)SNOMED CT International2020-07

    "Increased" missing in SNOMED CT
    1. Daniel Karlsson ,

      We will review this feedback and get back to you.


      CC: Constantina PapoutsakisLee Unangst

  3. Daniel Karlsson

    The review of these concepts is underway. You mention that these are from an 'excel with some' questions. Are these all of the questions? We believe having all of the questions together will be a more efficient way for us to address them. We appreciate the clarification.


    cc: Constantina PapoutsakisLee Unangst

    1. These are all for now, but work continues... slowly but steadily...

  4. Some more questions:

    10068Total fiber estimated intake in 24 hours871885003Estimated intake of plant fiber in 24 hours (observable entity)"Total fiber" vs "plant fiber" 
    10101Selenium estimated intake in 24 hours286616008Selenium intake (observable entity)"Estimated" and 24 h missing
    10489General/healthful diet182922004Dietary regime (regime/therapy)The SNOMED concepts seems more general?
    10835Fluid modified diet762104002Modified fluid diet (regime/therapy)Not identical concepts
    11947Choking during swallowing225589000Chokes when swallowing (finding)Risk of choking vs. the choking event needs clarification, disposition vs. event
    11951Food sticks on swallowing288945004Difficulty swallowing food (finding)Not identical concepts
    11957Suck, swallow, breath incoordination371034003Suck-swallow incoordination (finding)Not identical concepts
    10374Age424144002Current chronological age (observable entity)Not identical concepts
    10377Language365453006Finding of language spoken (finding)Not identical concepts
    11872Feels cold724233009Sensation of being cold (finding)Who feels? The patient? Health professional/third party?
    11881Tremor of outstretched hand417418002On examination - tremor outstretched hands (finding)SNOMED concept inactive
    10369Skin (specify)106077005Integumentary system finding (finding)106076001 | Skin finding (finding) | ?
  5. Another one from today's work:

    10877Full liquid diet435751000124101Full liquid diet (regime/therapy)What does "full" mean? Exclusively liquid? Full nutritional value? All liquids allowed? This definition is in SNOMED CT: "Foods and liquids consistent with the clear liquid diet with the addition of milk and small amounts of fibre"