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Please find cancer synoptic worksheets for colorectal cancer, encoded observable entities and value sets, and observable entity defining a-v pairs.  This information will be reviewed during the IPaLM SIG face-to-face meetings on April 18 and 19

  File Modified
PDF File copath_colorectal_resection_20160414.pdf 2016-Apr-15 by Scott Campbell
PDF File RCP_colon_cancer.pdf 2016-Apr-15 by Scott Campbell
PDF File cp-colon-16protocol-3400.pdf 2016-Apr-15 by Scott Campbell
PDF File 2nd-Edition-Colorectal-Protocol-v2-5.pdf 2016-Apr-15 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet colorectal_values_final_WSC_20160417 (1).xlsx 2016-Apr-17 by Scott Campbell