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  1. NHS Digital are interested in Countries wishing to collaborate on a SNOMED CT solution for pathology - posted on Member forum today.

    NHS Digital, as the UK National Release Centre for SNOMED CT, wishes to hear from other member countries who would be interested in developing a collaborative, comprehensive pathology solution based in SNOMED CT, independent of (but not exclusive of) any SNOMED CT/LOINC interdependency and while continuing to connect with those numerous pathology domain standards complementing SNOMED CT.

     The first step will be to convene a working group of country leads and Subject Matter Experts.  This work will feed into Modelling and other key groups such as Observables and IPaLM Special Interest Groups. We would like to convene the group and form a recommendation for the October 2017 SNOMED International Business meeting in Bratislava.

     To discuss further or to formally express a wish to participate please could you respond in the first instance to