- Created by Monica Harry, last modified on 2016-Jul-04
GoToMeeting Details
Discussion items
Item | Description | Owner | Notes | Action |
1 | Welcome & Apologies 1.1. Introduction new member | JMI | Apologies from a number of participants due to Public holiday and vacation. | |
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| No conflicts of interest.
| ||
3 | 3.1. Approval of minutes of last meeting and actions not on the agenda Link to minutes: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/HPCG/2016-04-18+-+HPCG+Meeting | JMI | Minutes of last meeting approved with no comments. | |
4 | IHTSDO updates:
4.1. Content 4.2. Collaboration 4.3. Management Board
| JMI/MHA | Update provided on content of July 2016 SNOMED CT; Update provided on collaborative activities ICN; DICOM; HL7; GTN; GMDN and LOINC. MB update - there is a face to face strategy meeting of the MB, GA and IHTSDO Head Management Team in August. | Jane Millar Netherlands Nursing problem list. |
5 | Update on clinical engagement and leadership
| IGR | Clinical engagement team established led by IGR. 3 physicians will cover Americas, Europe and Asia including Australia. Strategies being devised at the moment. Will confine to specific areas of clinical care based on a variety of factors. RSI mentioned that BC is very close to recommending SNOMED CT for the Problem List and Interventions. | |
6 | Professional SIG communications 6.1. SIG information sheets; updates? 6.2. Confluence management 6.3. Outreach for new members 6.4. Encouraging other clinical domains – how? | JMI | Needs updating with regard to current date etc. Confluence site for the Nursing SIG and this has been approved as the template for all SIG pages. | Jane Millar - Make contact with Scott, Zac and Ray re. the SIG info. sheets and work of the SIG. Zac Whitewood-MooresRay SimkusScott Campbell
Jane MillarMonica Harry - meet to continue work on the confluence pages |
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7.1. Nursing 7.2. Dentistry 7.3. Anesthesia 7.4. IPaLM 7.5. GP/FP | 7.1 ZWM - reported that attendance at meetings has gone down; considering changing meeting times. 7.2 MJU - Dentistry subset adoption is hoped to promote use of SNOMED CT. 7.3 ANO - Collab agreement with emergency med physicians to harmonise terms; new VC being sought; work beginning on anesthesia subset. 7.4 - deferred 7.5 - deferred | ||
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8.1. IHTSDO Business meeting October 2016 8.1.1. SIG Meetings 8.1.2. HPCG meeting
8.2. SNOMED CT Expo 2016 8.2.1. Clinical and collaboration scheme 8.2.2. Outreach to NZ audience
| Planning is underway and several groups will be meeting. | ||
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| RSI - Raised the Q of adoption Various local requirements for small subsets of terms; limited no. of terms needed and difficulty is how to identify content. | Jane MillarIan GreenRay Simkus - add this topic to the agenda for a future meeting | |
10 | 10.1. September 5th, 2016
| 20:00 UTC |
Meeting Files
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Anesthesia SIG 04072016 HPCG.pptx | 2016-Jul-04 by Monica Harry | |
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation PP for 7.4.16.pptx | 2016-Jul-04 by Monica Harry | |
Previous Meetings
Title | Creator | Modified |
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