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Discussion items


See above

2Minutes from last meeting2017-11-28 Anesthesia CRG Call
3ASA AQI NACOR Definitions v3.0

Updated definitions released, now with comorbidities

NACOR Data Element Conceptual Definitions for all data sets 


Upcoming F2F in London at April Business Meeting

April 8-11, 2018. Amba Charing Cross Hotel, London.

4Modeling updates

Multiple "operative procedure cancelled" terms accepted, for July 2018 release

Discussion of terminology requests related to difficult airway management (see article by Cook et al). This article considers in detail terminology for adverse airway events and rescue procedures and aligns with various professional guidelines.

Difficult and failed masked ventilation terms ready for release. The related terms for supraglottic airway problems have been drafted. There is a lack of published definitions for these, but will be closely related to the mask terms.

The acronyms CICO (can't intubate, can't oxygenate) and CICV (can't intubate, can't ventilate) are in widespread use and reference in the article above. Requests made for additional description terms in 718085007 unable to ventilate and unable to oxygenate

Requests commenced to deal with emergency front of neck access procdedures. Andrew Marchant is to model terms for the various emergency cricothyroidotomy techniques. 398142004 Emergency cricothyrotomy was discussed. The current parent is erroneous (construction of anastomosis) and this term is used in the literature as a synonym of emergency cricothyroidotomy. Term requests to be drafted to reflect outcome of discussion.

5Difficult Airway Subset Abstract presented at STA

STA Annual Meeting 2018 Abstract Archive

Pediatric Difficult Airway Diagnoses Mapping to SNOMED CT Terminology

Jorge A. Gálvez, MD MBI, Young May Cha MD MS, Patrick McCormick MD MEng, Allan F. Simpao MD MBI, Jack Wasey, BM, BCh, MA, MSci, MSc, Lezhou Wu PhD, Jonathan Tan MD MPH, John E Fiadjoe MD

5SNOMED updates

July 2018 release updates

6SNOMED 2018 Meetings

Sunday April 8, Tuesday April 10

Amba Charing Cross Hotel
London, UK

7Next MeetingMarch 27, 2018 at 8pm UK / 3 pm ET