Conference Call Details

Meeting time is 2018-07-31 20:00 UK BST; 15:00 US EDT (1900 UTC)

Starting with ZOOM

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    Meeting ID: 375 878 829

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Discussion items

1Introductions and apologiesAndrew NortonApologies: Steven Dain
2Minutes of meeting April 2018Andrew MarchantMinutes of 2018-04-08 to 2018-04-10 Anesthesia CRG F2F MeetingReviewed and approved
3Matters arising from the minutes

Content Request System - see item 5.

New terms (for cricothyrotomy &c) are pending release.

4Notification from Confluence

Permissions for notification from Confluence.

Watching Confluence pages

JM notes that GDPR regulations have prevented people from receiving notifications and caused confusion - all users should opt to "Watch", and subsequently "Watch all content in this space", their CRG's page so that they can be contacted.

Review group membership who have responded to notification e-mails
5SNOMED updates

Jane Millar suggests that the group share an account for Content Requests, and that we may now as a group use the account that Andrew Norton has been using.  However, we may find that we need to use individual accounts so that changes are attributable.

New CRGs are being formed, e.g. Nutrition, Genomics, Mental Health, Blood Products.  These will develop over future months.  Anesthesia CRG members can "Watch" any other group which interests them.  Cross-working and cooperation between groups will be encouraged.

SNOMED are looking to work with other bodies which have an international profile so that there is broader input to SNOMED terms. All suggestions to Jane Millar are welcome.

Anesthesia may be interested in the Medical Devices CRG, and may have useful input into area - which is changing rapidly in association with GMDN.  SNOMED will continue to maintain its own nomenclature; it need not be tied to the detail of GMDN if there are better ways of representing concepts.

SNOMED 0n FHIR. This group meets weekly and may seek clinical perspective on their work from the CRGs. Interested members may request to join.


Item for SNOMED International Newsletter
Anesthesia could prepare a document drawing from old SIG information and some items of current interest. The target is for a short/ punchy/ readable entry.

Deadline for submission 22nd September 2018

Andrew Norton, Martin Hurrell to discuss.

7Breathing systemsSteven Dain

Discussion substantially deferred until Steven Dain is available.

Andrew Norton notes the general change in terminology from "circuit" to "system".  The group considered the terms to be synonymous in this context.

Historically named as breathing circuits. ISO now uses the term breathing systems. Consider updates to SNOMED

Andrew Norton to request that synonyms for the various circuits/ systems are created in SNOMED.

Review ISO ventilation types at next meeting.

8Terminology for Artificial ventilationSteven Dain

See attached file from Steven detailing ISO standard terminology for ventilation patterns and settings

ISO 19223 / ISO/IEEE 11073 definitions of ventilation modes exist. We should seek to represent these in SNOMED and add definitions as appropriate from the standards

Attributes of modes and inflation types 2018-06-24.docx
9Preservative free morphine and other preparations for neuraxial blocksToni Morrison

For this particular request, we would like to have specific examples of concepts that would be modeled using the new product concept to use as part of our drug project group discussions re: modeling and terming for the requested concept.

We would also like to clarify if there are additional products that will require similar concepts (e.g. methotrexate or local anesthestics such as bupivicaine) and if so, have examples of concepts that will be modeled using the new product concepts.

Preservative-free Morphine is available for use in the UK, avoiding the use of agents such as Sodium Metabisulphate. Intrathecal chemotherapy preparations have no preservatives.  Epinephrine-containing preparations require preservatives but these are not used intrathecally.  The preservative-free status of the drug may be best represented in a UK-specific extension, discussion is ongoing.

Epidural preparations are more varied, and areas other than anaesthesia use a variety of drugs beyond those used in anaesthesia.  Our discussion has focused on Anaesthesia.

Group to review again, and discuss with Toni Morrison.

10New terminology requirements arising from HL7 GAS Anesthesia Domain analysis model

Martin Hurrell will compile a list of items which could be reviewed, and will discuss them with Andrew Norton.  Some areas of terminology will require extension, some require modification, some require deletion.

11Any other business
None raised
12Dates for future meetingsTuesday 25th SeptemberAgreed as next meeting date

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document Attributes of modes and inflation types 2018-06-24.docx 2018-Jul-23 by Andrew Norton