PNG File image-2025-1-29_19-24-46.png |
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Lars Fuhrmann |
2025-Jan-29, 18:24 |
2025-Jan-29, 18:24 |
Page: Visual Acuity Charts and Optotypes
PNG File image-2025-1-29_19-23-24.png |
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Lars Fuhrmann |
2025-Jan-29, 18:23 |
2025-Jan-29, 18:23 |
Page: Visual Acuity Charts and Optotypes
Microsoft Word Document DR Concepts (1).docx |
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Sally Baxter |
2024-Feb-12, 07:43 |
2024-Feb-12, 07:43 |
Page: Diabetic Retinopathy Phenotype Updates
PDF File Glaucoma Medications Work - Action Points.pdf |
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Ian Rodrigues |
2024-Jan-24, 01:35 |
2024-Jan-24, 01:35 |
Page: 2024-01-23 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Glaucoma Preferred SNOMED Clinical Drug Terms_Janu… |
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Ian Rodrigues |
2024-Jan-24, 01:35 |
2024-Jan-24, 01:35 |
Page: 2024-01-23 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
PDF File SNOMED Eye Care CRG January 2024 – Update on Glauc… |
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Ian Rodrigues |
2024-Jan-24, 01:34 |
2024-Jan-24, 01:34 |
Page: 2024-01-23 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
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Elaine Wooler |
2024-Jan-15, 14:43 |
2024-Jan-15, 14:43 |
Page: Neovascular glaucoma (disorder)
PNG File Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 7.30.53 pm.png |
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Elaine Wooler |
2023-Nov-17, 19:30 |
2023-Nov-17, 19:30 |
Page: 70388009 |Postoperative cataract syndrome (disorder)|
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Ian Rodrigues |
2023-Nov-06, 15:32 |
2023-Nov-06, 15:32 |
Page: 2023-10-31 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
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Ian Rodrigues |
2023-Nov-06, 15:30 |
2023-Nov-06, 15:30 |
Page: 2023-10-31 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
PDF File Glaucoma Preferred SNOMED Diagnosis Terms_October … |
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Ian Rodrigues |
2023-Oct-03, 22:11 |
2023-Oct-03, 22:11 |
Page: 2023-08-21 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
Microsoft Word Document Glaucoma Findings Action Points Aug 2023.docx |
123 kB |
Sally Baxter |
2023-Sep-29, 05:17 |
2023-Sep-29, 05:17 |
Page: 2023-08-21 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet angle_characterization_mapping_snomed.xlsx |
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Sally Baxter |
2023-Sep-29, 05:02 |
2023-Sep-29, 05:02 |
Page: 2023-08-21 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Gaps in Glaucoma Exam Findings 2023 08 21.pptx |
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Sally Baxter |
2023-Sep-29, 05:02 |
2023-Sep-29, 05:02 |
Page: 2023-08-21 - Eye Care CRG Meeting
PNG File Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 4.59.41 pm.png |
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Elaine Wooler |
2023-Sep-19, 15:59 |
2023-Sep-19, 15:59 |
Page: 312899005 |Fibrovascular macular scar (disorder)|
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SNOMED Glaucoma.pptx |
8.99 MB |
Anthony Khawaja |
2023-Jul-21, 09:32 |
2023-Jul-21, 09:32 |
Page: European Glaucoma Society support
PNG File image-2023-7-19_23-35-6.png |
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Ian Rodrigues |
2023-Jul-19, 22:35 |
2023-Jul-19, 22:35 |
Page: Glaucoma severity / staging
PNG File Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 10.53.55 am.png |
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Elaine Wooler |
2023-Jul-10, 09:54 |
2023-Jul-10, 09:54 |
Page: 247159009 |Macular pigment epithelial rip (disorder)|
PNG File Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 1.55.50 pm.png |
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Elaine Wooler |
2023-Jun-06, 12:55 |
2023-Jun-06, 12:55 |
Page: Glaucoma/Ocular hypertension concept authoring questions
PNG File Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 1.38.11 pm.png |
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Elaine Wooler |
2023-Jun-06, 12:38 |
2023-Jun-06, 12:38 |
Page: Glaucoma/Ocular hypertension concept authoring questions