Hello All,
We are exciting to announce our speakers for the April Business Meeting.
The Nursing CRG welcomes Gunnar Jårvik to present on a Norwegian hospital dashboard and use of nursing care plan data. Join us and see how standard nursing language using SNOMED CT and ICNP is put to use for terms, trends and transfers. We also would like to welcome, Marte Rime Bø and Beate Kristiansen to share their experience transitioning these nursing reference set to SNOMED International’s Refset Tool 2.
Please note the meeting date and time as changed for the April meeting.
Wednesday, April 09, 2025 11:00-12:30 CEST (Timezone converter https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/)
We look forward to seeing you on the April Business meeting call.
Erica and Christine
Greetings All!
We have finalized and posted the December meeting agenda on our Confluence page. Our next CRG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday December 10 at 200o UTC. We will also confirm someone is available to open the meeting and avoid the September meeting issue.
We are pleased to have Michael Stearns present on ADLs in SNOMED. This promises to stimulate a great discussion. We look forward to seeing you on the December CRG call.
Erica and Christine
Hi all,
In August the discussion question Meaning of concept Post-trauma response (finding) was posted. If you have any comments on this question please post them by Friday 11th October 2024.
Kind regards,
Cathy Richardson
Hi all,
I have posted a new discussion topic What is the meaning of Communication of alternative technique (regime/therapy) and am looking for input from the CRG. Please provide responses on the discussion page by Wednesday 5th June 2024.
In addition, I am looking to see if there were any comments still to be added on the topic Management of concepts representing a type of needs were met. Please provide responses on this topic on the discussion page by Wednesday 22 May 2024.
Kind regards,
Happy Nurse's Week to Nursing Clinical Reference Group members! This year's theme, "Nurses Make the Difference," honors the remarkable nurses who personify compassion and care in every health care setting, including terminology.
In an attempt to arrive at the truth, I have applied everywhere for information, but in scarcely an instance have I been able to obtain hospital records fit for any purpose of comparison. If they could be obtained, they would enable us to decide many of the questions besides the one alluded to. They would show the subscribers how their money was being spent, what good was really being done with it, or whether the money was not doing mischief rather than good. -Florence Nightingale
The SNOMED CT Nursing Clinical Reference Group will meet next on Tuesday June 11. We look forward to your participation.
Erica and Christine
Hi all,
Just following up to see if there is any input for the questions on nursing specialities and occupations. Please provide responses by Friday 8th March.
Kind regards,
The next Nursing Clinical Reference Group meeting is tomorrow. We hope you can join us to discuss Snomed CT 4 Nursing - Belgium presented by Jerno Thys. Let's take a look at how Belgium is working with information surrounding catheter care and discuss nursing needs in SNOMED CT. The agenda is posted and new discussion topics are always welcome.
We look forward to see you all soon,
Erica and Christine
June 13th, 2023 at 2000 UTC
Zoom Link: https://snomed.zoom.us/my/nursingcrg
Password - 871141
Link for the Clinical Judgment & Decision-Making: The Power of Using Functional Health Patterns on April 13, 2023 at 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST as discussed on the 11 April Nursing CRG call
The next Nursing Clinical Reference Group meeting tomorrow Tuesday March 14th 2023 @ 2000 UTC. The agenda is posted and new discussion topics are always welcome. Be sure to see check out the Briefing Note uploaded on March 2023 agenda files. We look forward to everyone's input!
See you soon,
Erica and Christine
March 14th, 2023 at 2000 UTC
Zoom Link: https://snomed.zoom.us/my/nursingcrg
Password - 871141
The agenda for the February Nursing Clinical Reference Group meeting has been posted. There are many topics to discuss and your input is valued.
The University of Minnesota Nursing Big Data group has asked for our group's input regarding a Pain Information Model.
We look forward to the discussions.
February 14th, 2023 at 2000 UTC
Zoom Link: https://snomed.zoom.us/my/nursingcrg
Password - 871141
Erica and Christine
Erica and Christine are finalizing the agenda for the Nursing Clinical Reference Group meeting on February 14th at 20:00 UTC.
We will continue to work through the list of "at risk" terms. We invite you to post any terminology issues to the Discussion Board, bring them to the CRG meeting or email Erica and I to add it to the agenda.
We look forward to see you all on the February call.
Erica and Christine
We would like to thank you for joining our first Nursing CRG call of 2023!
As some of you may know, we were unable to get through all the "at risk concepts". Therefore, we have created a definition summary so everyone gets a chance to "agree or disagree with a summarized version of those proposed definitions in our spreadsheet. Please use the link below to provide your input.
Nursing CRG "at risk" gathered responses. In column D place your name or initials next to Agree: or Disagree: for the 6 definitions listed, no later than, Tuesday January 24th. Also, please note that column L provides a brief status of all concepts.
We look forward to see you all on our next call February 14th at 20:00 UTC
Christine and Erica
Greetings and Happy New Year!
The January Nursing Clinical Reference Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 10, 2023 @ 2000 UTC.
Use Zoom Link: https://snomed.zoom.us/my/nursingcrg and Password - 871141
The agenda has been posted, we will much to talk about. If you have not already done so, please review the Nursing CRG "at risk" gathered responses or share your working definition for the "at risk" concepts in the spreadsheet. Terminology consultation posts regarding At Risk Content - Input on Meaning of Concepts and Clinical Nursing Speciality - International Recognition will provide background information for our agenda items.
Thank you to those of you who have brought terminology issues to the group for discussion, new topics are always welcome.
We look forward to everyone's input!
Erica and Christine
The next Nursing Clinical Reference Group meeting is tomorrow Tuesday November 13th 2022 @ 2000 UTC. The agenda is posted and new discussion topics are always welcome. Be sure to see the Nursing CRG "at risk" gathered responses and the terminology consultation posts regarding At Risk Content - Input on Meaning of Concepts and Clinical Nursing Speciality - International Recognition.
We look forward to everyone's input!
Use Zoom Link: https://snomed.zoom.us/my/nursingcrg and Password - 871141
See you all soon!
Christine and Erica
Hi Nursing CRG members,
Just a reminder on the question about the nursing speciality 'Maternal and obstetric nursing' that's been requested for addition to the International Edition in the Qualifier value hierarchy. We are looking to determine if it is recognised internationally. Please add your comments: Clinical Nursing Speciality - International Recognition
Thank you,
Cathy Richardson