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Requests have been received for the addition of new concepts to the Qualifier Value and Social Context hierarchies to represent the specialist community and public health nurse occupation and speciality. The concepts requested have been termed: Specialist community and public health nurse (occupation) and Community and public health nursing specialty (qualifier value)
Is this an internationally recognised speciality? It appears to be in the UK: https://www.nmc.org.uk/standards/standards-for-post-registration/standards-of-proficiency-for-specialist-community-public-health-nurses2/
Hello, each country has its own legislation on who can work in the social and health professions. So I would see that this is a matter of the UK's own legislation.
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Mikko Härkönen
Hello, each country has its own legislation on who can work in the social and health professions. So I would see that this is a matter of the UK's own legislation.