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Hi all,

SNOMED International is looking for input on a new topic: Definitions of Provision and Dispensing with responses due 5th May. If you have questions on this topic or require an extension please post as a comment on the discussion page directing questions to Krista Lilly

The topics  Additional Description Types and Angiography Content - Proposal for Change have now been closed as the due dates have past. Thank you for your responses. 

Kind regards,


Hi all,

A couple reminders for you plus an update announcement.

Reminders for input and discussion:

Let me know via email if you need additional time.

Please also see the following announcement: SNOMED International October 2020: Updates, Abstracts & Giveaway 

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Please note the two new topics for input and discussion:

Thank you in advance for your contribution.



April CMAG meeting

Hi all, 

Following the announcement of the cancellation of the April face to face meetings, please be advised we will not be holding a CMAG zoom call at this point in time. In regard to the Joint Advisory Group sessions, we will provide updates in the near future on how the CMAG can contribute to the topics that were to be discussed. 

Kind regards,


Please find the next of a series of briefing notes that was sent to the Member Forum to update them on the content improvements in the Substance and Product hierarchies. For further reference, this project group’s Confluence space is located at: Drugs Project Please contact with any inquiries.

Please be advised that a review of the CRS tickets in the inception/elaboration status is currently underway. A number these tickets represent one or more of the following:

• A known issue
• A complex issue where in-depth analysis is required
• An area of content where specialist clinical input is required
• An area of content which covers a significant number of concepts that require review
• Modelling issues that will be corrected through the structural work being undertaken as part of the QI project.

These CRS tickets are linked to a relevant JIRA project issue with management planned as part of the resolution of the underlying issue. Given the identification of the larger issue and links between the CRS ticket and JIRA issue a decision has been made to close the relevant CRS tickets and ask the requestor to add themselves as a watcher on the JIRA ticket. Watchers of JIRA tickets are notified when any changes are made e.g. a status change, comments added. Comments may also be added to the JIRA ticket by parties interested in the topic.

This planned closure excludes the LOINC request CRS tickets.

The closing of CRS tickets and notification to requestors is planned for the end of March 2020.

Please advise if you have any questions or comments on the planned action. This input is required by Friday 14th February.

Kind regards,

Cathy Richardson

Hi CMAG members,

Please see the request for feedback on the need for replacement concepts for content representing spinal dislocations/subluxations with cord lesions. Page: Spinal dislocation/subluxation with cord lesion - Request for feedback. Feedback due by 20th February. 

Thank you,


Hi all,

As you may already be aware the draft schedule has been posted for the April 2020 - SNOMED International Business Meetings. Meetings are being held April 5th to 8th, 2020 at the Waldorf Hilton Hotel, London. Further information:

From a CMAG perspective there are three meetings for our group. Two of these are joint sessions with other AG's given shared topics. 

In UK time the meetings are running:

  • Tuesday 7 April: 0900-1030 (CMAG)
  • Tuesday 7 April: 1100-1230 Joint AG session - EAG chairing
  • Wednesday 8 April: 0900-1230 (1030-1100 break) Joint AG session - MAG chairing

Agendas will be available closer to time.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Just a reminder that the due date for input on the topic Using SNOMED CT in relation to information on housing is 29th January. Please let me know if you require additional time.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Happy New Year!

Information is being sought on the use of SNOMED CT in relation to housing. Please see Using SNOMED CT in relation to information on housing for further details. 

Please also note that the due date for Use of navigational concepts responses has been extended to Monday 13th January. 

Kind regards,


Hi CMAG members, 

The Allergies/Hypersensitivity and Intolerance Clinical Reference Group is seeking information on which countries are using the allergy to substance concepts e.g. 417532002 |Allergy to fish (finding)| rather than just documenting allergies using substance and product concepts.  Would you please advise the approach in your country here: Concepts used for documenting allergies Due date has been made 24 December. if further time is required please email me. 

Thanks everyone,


Please be advised the work item X finding not seen - content planned for inactivation has been closed. We will not be proceeding with inactivation of this content at this point.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

We are seeking input from members on how navigational concepts are being used in your country. Please provide your response here Use of navigational concepts by Monday 6th January 2020.

Thank you,


Attached please find the first two of a series of briefing notes that were sent to the Member Forum to update them on the content improvements in the Substance and Product hierarchies. For further reference, this project group’s Confluence space is located at: Drugs Project Please contact with any inquiries. 

Action items

Hi all CMAG members,

Please be advised that the review period for the following items has now past and the action items have been closed. Thank you to those who provided input. 

  • 2020 CMAG workplan
  • CMAG Terms of Reference
  • Laboratory findings values

As advised at the October meeting, the Declarations of Interest page need to be updated by group members. If you have not yet updated your DOI please do so by Wednesday 4th December.

And finally a reminder that the due date for feedback on X finding not seen - content planned for inactivation is  

Kind regards,
