
Please be advised that a review of the CRS tickets in the inception/elaboration status is currently underway. A number these tickets represent one or more of the following:

• A known issue
• A complex issue where in-depth analysis is required
• An area of content where specialist clinical input is required
• An area of content which covers a significant number of concepts that require review
• Modelling issues that will be corrected through the structural work being undertaken as part of the QI project.

These CRS tickets are linked to a relevant JIRA project issue with management planned as part of the resolution of the underlying issue. Given the identification of the larger issue and links between the CRS ticket and JIRA issue a decision has been made to close the relevant CRS tickets and ask the requestor to add themselves as a watcher on the JIRA ticket. Watchers of JIRA tickets are notified when any changes are made e.g. a status change, comments added. Comments may also be added to the JIRA ticket by parties interested in the topic.

This planned closure excludes the LOINC request CRS tickets.

The closing of CRS tickets and notification to requestors is planned for the end of March 2020.

Please advise if you have any questions or comments on the planned action. This input is required by Friday 14th February.

Kind regards,

Cathy Richardson

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