Thank you to everyone who attended the call. The meeting recording has been uploaded and is available via the meeting page: 2021-10-20 - CMAG Meeting
The feedback pages have been set up with feedback due 12 November.
Enjoy the rest of the meetings and Expo.
Hi everyone,
In regards to our October virtual meeting:
- Meeting date/time: 20th October 1200 UTC
- Draft agenda: 2021-10-20 - CMAG Meeting
- Please advise if there are any additional items that should be considered.
- The agenda includes the zoom link.
- Please advise if you are unable to attend.
A reminder on the current work item feedback due dates:
- 7th October Requirements for external editors of SNOMED CT International Release
- 15th October Inactivation of concepts that include mental handicap
I look forward to speaking with you at the upcoming meeting.
Kind regards,
Hi everyone,
Please see the new request for feedback on Inactivation of concepts that include mental handicap. Responses are due by 15th October.
There are also a couple of reminders:
- The review of the document on the requirements for individuals external to SNOMED International to author content directly into the SNOMED CT International Release. Feedback is due by 7th October.
- The CMAG meeting is planned for October 20th 1100-1200 UTC. Agenda items may be sent to Monica Harry and myself.
- Please see SNOMED International October 2021 Events Update - schedules and registration for further information the Business Meetings and Expo.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
SNOMED International has developed documentation on the requirements for individuals external to SNOMED International to author content directly into the SNOMED CT International Release. This document is now available for review.
CMAG topic page: Requirements for external editors of SNOMED CT International Release
Document link:
Feedback is due 7th October. If you require additional time please let me know.
Hi all,
Please see SNOMED International October 2021 Events Update - schedules and registration
The CMAG meeting is planned for October 20th 1100-1200 UTC. Given the broad range of timezones that needed to be considered we understand that the time may not suit all members. Input can still be provided via comments and email for those unable to attend. The call will also be recorded. Agenda items may be sent to Monica Harry and myself.
A reminder that the due dates for input on the current work items are coming up in the next week.
- Inactivation of endoscopy procedure content stating intent due by 14th September
- Usage of Poisoning Concepts Defined by Medicinal Product Roles due by 20th September
Information Request - Additional Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines is a topic that is remaining open so you can add comments as the situation evolves in your country.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
Planning is in the early stages for a Zoom CMAG meeting during the October Business Meetings. If there are topics you would like to have on the agenda please add a comment to this blog post or let me know via email.
Thank you,
Hi all,
Please be advised there is an additional work item for the CMAG representatives. Information on usage is being sort in relation to poisoning concepts defined by medicinal product roles. Further details are provided here: Usage of Poisoning Concepts Defined by Medicinal Product Roles Responses are requested by 20th September 2021.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
We have two new topics for which your feedback and information is being sought. Please see the following two topic pages for further information.
- Inactivation of endoscopy procedure content stating intent -feedback on this topic is due by September 14th
- Information Request - Additional Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines - this topic page will remain open so you can continue to add information as the situation evolves in your country.
Thank you,
Please see the attached briefing note regarding the planned inactivation of concepts in the 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| hierarchy.
Briefing Note for Number Hierarchy Inactivation 2021-June.pdf
Hi all,
There are 4 work items planned for the Content Managers Advisory Group. The first two have just been posted and the other two will follow in the near future.
The first two work items:
- Use of International Occupation Content Due 24 July 2021
- Foreign body disorder concepts Due 9 July 2021
Please contact Cathy Richardson and Monica Harry if you have questions or will require additional time to finalise your responses.
Thank you in advance for your input.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
Please see the attached briefing note regarding the update of terms referencing substance structural groupers. Please contact with any inquiries.
Kind regards,
Hi everyone,
All of April’s Business Meetings will be accessed directly via the event's virtual platform. If you have yet to do so please pre-register for the conference via this link:
Your personal login details for the virtual platform will be shared before the event opens. You can access all available sessions via the Schedule/Timeline on the site's homepage.
Kind regards,
Please see the attached briefing note from Monica Harry relating to the duplication of content in the computed tomography imaging hierarchy together with the planned approach for correcting this issue. If there are any concerns about this plan please contact Monica via email by April 30th. Your submission should include a use case.
Kind regards,
2020-Apr-7:A briefing note regarding upcoming attribute changes related to vaccine modeling is available:
Hi all,
Just a reminder that registrations for the April 2021 business meetings are open. Details may be found SNOMED Events Update: April registration & Expo2021 Call for Abstracts The CMAG is planning to meet virtually via Zoom on Wednesday 21 April at 2000 UTC for an hour. The agenda will be released closer to time. If there are topics you wish to raise for discussion please let myself and Monica Harry know.
Kind regards,
Cathy Richardson