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  Name Size Creator Creation Date Labels Comment  
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Agenda for August.pptx 314 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Oct-19, 18:39
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Created by klilly on Wed Aug 12 15:18:20 Z 2015 last modified on Wed Aug 12 15:18:20 Z 2015 v1 August Mapping SIG Agenda  
Microsoft Word Document Notes2015-08-10.docx 281 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Oct-19, 18:39
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Created by bcarlsen on Thu Aug 13 15:35:35 Z 2015 last modified on Tue Sep 01 10:13:02 Z 2015 v2 Notes of the Mapping SIG meeting held on August 10, 2015.  
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