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Microsoft Word Document NursingSIGMinutes20141216.docx 18 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Oct-19, 18:56
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Created by smatney on Tue Dec 16 18:38:56 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Dec 16 18:38:56 Z 2014 v1 The minutes are attached. I recieved a couple of emails- from Zac and Penni that I added to the end of the document. 1. Note from Penni Hernandez. The func  
PDF File TERM_IHTSDO_NURSINGSIG_20141216PDF.pdf 443 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Oct-19, 18:56
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Created by smatney on Tue Dec 16 15:41:09 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Dec 16 15:41:09 Z 2014 v1 Attached is the presentation that will be given by Arabella D'Havé today.  
Multimedia File 2014-12-16 10.23 IHTSDO Nursing SIG.wmv 36.22 MB Collabnet Migration 2015-Oct-19, 18:56
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Created by smatney on Tue Dec 16 18:42:06 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Dec 16 18:42:06 Z 2014 v1 I started the recording part way through the presentation (sorry). It is attached.  
Microsoft Word Document NursingSIGDec2014Agenda.docx 254 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Oct-19, 18:56
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Created by smatney on Wed Dec 10 17:03:31 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Dec 16 03:43:49 Z 2014 v2 Attached is the draft agenda for the meeting Dec. 16th at 1700 UTC>  
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