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Date of Preliminary Handover meeting:  

Date of Initial Handover meeting:   

Date of Final Handover meeting:  


  • Andrew Atkinson (AAT)
  • Maria Braithwaite (MBR)
  • Donna Morgan (DMO)
  • Kai Kewley (KKE)
  • Peter Williams (PWI)
  • Rory Davidson (RDA)
  • Lesley MacNeil (LMA)


Handover Status




Items to be discussed



Prerelease Content Management Activities:

  1. Verify that all namespace concepts (in the namespace registry) have been added
  2. Inactivate the root concept synonym referencing previous release, and add synonym to reference current release.
  3. Update copyright date on synonym (January releases only; N/A to July 2014)
  4. Send updated laterality indicator spreadsheet to technical team to support qualifier generation.
  5. Get SE and SP refset files from Yong


  1. MBR - confirmed with Yohani 31 October 2018

  2. MBR - done please see INFRA-2719 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  3. MBR - done please see INFRA-2719 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  4. ACTION: Maria Braithwaite/Andrew Atkinson to speak to Yong about this, as this will now come from the Refset tool ... AAT to receive from Yong w/c 12/11???????

    1. YONG confirmed he would complete the refset by cop on 13/11/2018, so once Maria reviewed as well AAT should receive the completed version by 14/11/2018 at the latest.

    2. YONG Delivered as requested on  

  5. ACTION: Complete and received from Yong??????? AAT to receive from Yong w/c 12/11???????

    1. YONG confirmed he would complete the refset by cop on 13/11/2018, so once Maria reviewed as well AAT should receive the completed version by 14/11/2018 at the latest.

    2. YONG Delivered as requested on  


Content Validation Activities:

  1. Concepts that have changed its high level hierarchy ancestor since last release
  2. Concepts with FSNs with changed semantic tags
  3. Active concepts with changed FSNs (check for shifts in meaning)
  4. Concepts *in*-activated since the last release
  5. Concepts *re*-activated since the last release
  6. Concepts that changed from fully defined to primitive
  7. Concepts that changed from primitive to fully defined
  8. New FSNs: Check for adherence to naming conventions, no acronyms, etc.
  9. Spell checking for new descriptions and/or manual inspection
  10. Review all new and changed text definitions
  11. Additions/removals of members of VMP refset (Inactive concepts still in the VMP refsets are removed during release extraction)
  12. Additions/removals of members of VTM refset (Inactive concepts still in the VTM refsets are removed during release extraction)
  13. Verify that there have been no changes to the Non-human refset in the Workbench.
  14. Additions/removals of members of ICD-O simple map refset (Inactive concept still in the ICDO map are removed during release extraction)
  15. Active concepts having active historical associations and reasons for inactivation

MBR has been analysing the Daily Build RVF results for the past few weeks, and working with Peter to clear down the failures. We just, therefore, need to confirm that the RVF report is now:

a) In the Preliminary Handover meeting it is being cleaned on a daily basis, with the intention of having it cleared down completely by the handover on 9th November 2018 - CONFIRMED

b) Clean in the Final Handover meeting (before we version the content)???????? to confirm next week...

ACTION: Maria to share the Content report results with the content team - she will confirm whether or not any fixes are required before the Alpha release on Monday - Maria confirmed all clean now and no further issues requiring action

Final issue found by UK ( ISRS-464 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) was confirmed by content team as planned for fix in July 2019, so no further fixes required - AAT can therefore start to build the release as soon as we receive the mapping files from WCI....

Elaine in UK is happy with the plan, they're just waiting for Jeremy Rogers to confirm he's also happy with it...



Content Team Support availability - Confirm which members of the content team will remain on stand-by until clean database milestone is achieved after release build file QA and post-release assertions are validated.

Maria, Donna and Yong will all be around to support wherever needed.



Early visibility of Release Notes


Andrew Atkinson has created the template to update on Confluence: SNOMED CT January 2019 International Edition - SNOMED International Release notes - see here with relevant figures replaced with ??????? ready to be replaced with the relevant January 2019 figures

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan will kindly aim to get them to Andrew Atkinson by 15th November 2018 - MARIA COMPLETED HER WORK, WITH LESLEY FOR REVIEW...

ACTION: Lesley MacNeil and Paul Amos to review and approve once complete...



Discussion of existing Known Issues from the previous Release


Brief run through of the known issues already identified by the content team during the QA batch process, to ensure that technical team are aware of them, and can either resolve them in time for the release, or confirm as known issues.
  1. INFRA-2965 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Concepts should now have been inactivated and promoted - Maria confirmed that most have been resolved, but a couple of stragglers that cannot currently be resolved will be carried over to July 2019 - Monica will write this up in the Release Notes to confirm exactly what changes will/will not make into the Jan 2019 release.
    2. Peter confirmed all resolved for Jan 2019 and closed the ticket down.
  2. INFRA-2723 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Kai promoted final change to MAIN and so AAT + Maria Braithwaite to verify in final testing all the way through the release cycle to Production
  3. INFRA-2869 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. RDA and AAT Just need to confirm the fact it hasn't disappeared form the RVF report isn't a result of the RVF release on 7/11/2018....
    2. RDA confirmed that the last RVF release was last week so couldn't have impacted this issue - therefore we can close this down once myself and Maria Braithwaite have verified in Alpha testing.
    3. AAT + Maria Braithwaite to verify in final testing all the way through the release cycle to Production
  4. INFRA-2868 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Peter confirmed all resolved for Jan 2019 and closed the ticket down.
    2. Ticket closed - AAT + Maria Braithwaite to verify in final testing all the way through the release cycle to Production
  5. MAINT-489 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Maria confirmed resolved, AAT + Maria Braithwaite to verify in final testing all the way through the release cycle to Production
  6. INFRA-2792 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. Peter G. Williams kindly agreed to check that this has now been completely addressed by Michael's extension of the field length. He subsequently confirmed that Yes, Michael Chu said this would be fixed as of RVF version 1.4.6 and we're well passed that now in production (1.6.1). I've also checked the daily build and that text defn is safely present in the full and snapshot files. It hasn't budged since 20160731 so as expected it's not present in the delta file. This problem was purely an artefact of the RVF data schema which has been addressed.
    2. Issue therefore closed as resolved.
  7. ACTION: Peter G. Williams to report on relationship issue with Yong, and if it has now been completely resolved and reviewed?
    1. Peter confirmed no further action required

  8. ACTION: Maria Braithwaite to confirm with Farzaneh/Suzanne whether or not any LOINC issues need to be resolved before versioning, depending on licencing issue

    1. Maria confirmed Farzaneh and Suzanne have comeplted the review and found no isues that need to be resolved - this doens't need to be repeated throughout the cycle - just needs to be done before each subsequent international release.

  9. ACTION: Maria Braithwaite + Andrew Atkinson agreed to formalise the process for disabling projects a few days before content cut off - I've added it into the formal Schedule, so we'll continue to run that for all future releases and see if it continues to have positive effects on lack of impact to Maria's reviews.

Mapping: Clean after initial meeting - how are we looking for delivering tomorrow?? Donna all complete and happy, AAT to verify with WCI that they are cracking on with final release files...

7Versioning and Change Freeze

AAT to raise ticket now - DONE

Versioning completed and initial successful builds run - will confirm properly once final validation run after mapping files delivered....

Stats Report

MBR has now been using the Daily Build QA report (which will contain data from the next Release Cycle by the time this Release is published) -

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite will run the spell check and RVF one final time after the cut off is complete... done??

MBR can also now use this for the stats in the Release Notes, as once content cut off is complete, this Daily Build report will show the static version for the July 2018 International Edition.

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite The only thing we need to be careful of here is large updates during Alpha/Beta release cycle - so MHA to run this again after Beta release is complete and update Release Notes if required - done??


No known risks! Everyone comfortable so far...

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