When and Where
- Date: Wednesday 10th April 2019
- Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm (break 3:00pm - 3:30pm)
- Room: Mackenzie Room
- Venue: Waldorf Hilton Hotel, London
- Remote access:
- To join by computer, tablet or smartphone use this link: https://snomed.zoom.us/j/387931662.
To dial in by phone please refer to available phone numbers at https://zoom.us/zoomconference and use meeting id 387-931-662.
Key Goals for this Meeting
- For ELAG Members to report on SNOMED CT education activities, plans and priorities in their region
- For SNOMED International to report on recent SNOMED CT education activities
- To get feedback from ELAG members on current education activities
- Chair: Linda Bird
- Member representatives: Ingrid Mertens (Belgium),Linda Parisien (Canada),Camilla Wiberg Danielsen (Denmark),Mikko Härkönen(Finland), Manisha Mantri(India - online), Theresa Barry(Ireland), Mohd Syazrin bin Mohd Sakri(Malaysia), Daniel Karlsson(Sweden), Pero Grgic(Switzerland), Katharine Priest(U.K.)
- Nominated experts: Kirstine Rosenbeck Gøeg (Denmark), Penny Livesay (U.S.)
- Observers: Achyut Patil, Jeff Wilcke, Sarita Keni, Jostein Ven
- SNOMED International Staff: David Markwell, Anne Randorff Højen, Jon Zammit, Ian Spiers, Cathy Richardson, Ian Green, Sonja Ulrich, Annie Boschetti, Shelley Lipon
- Krista Kart (Estonia), Aileen dela Pena (Australia)
Agenda and Meeting Notes
Item | Description | Owner | Notes |
1 | Welcome and introductions | A warm welcome to our new Education & Product Support team member. | |
2 | Goals of meeting | ||
3 | ELAG administration | Topics include: | |
4 | Reports from ELAG Member representatives | Member Representatives | Each ELAG Member representative will be invited to provide a short report on the following topics for their country:
Reports delivered from:
5 | SNOMED International update |
| |
6 | Feedback and discussion |
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