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1AccessHow do I access SCAProduction Environment is here  
2TestingWill we always have a testing environment after we go live?Yes User Acceptance Testing can be done here in UAT  
3HelpHow do I get assistance or ask a question?

Reporting issues - please continue to use the FEEDBACK button on Production and UAT

General Help Me - Please send an email to the

Specific -Need Project Added or a Task Deleted -Please send an email to 

4TaskHow do I unclaim a task that I no longer want to reviewPlease see: Cancelling a review  
5EditingHow do I add concepts with stated relationships to a task from the dialog window when editing?

If you want to save a concept into the Saved List from search results, you can click the 'add' button to add the concept into the Saved List. After the concept is added, the 'add' button is disabled , so you can't add the same concept into the Saved List twice.

Edit a Concept From the Saved List: To load a concept from the saved list into the edit panel click the 'edit button'  to the right of the concept you wish to add.


How do I retire a concept that is being used as a stated parent?

You need to confirm the inactivation. Start by clicking the inactivation button in the editors dialog box (popup window). This dialog has tabs that list the children and the descendants of the selected concept. The "Incoming relationships" tab shows all the destination relationships that would be affected by the inactivation. You will need to do a replacement/substitution for any concepts that may be affected by the change. Once the replacement/substitution is completed you can retire the concept.


How do we handle inactivation of concepts that are used as parents?Automation not implemented

How do I inactivate a concept that is being used as an inferred parent?

We cannot retire anything assigned by the classifier. The solution is to identify which attribute is improperly assigned which is causing the inference, then amend/correct the modelling. (MH response)How do we handle inactivation of concepts that are used as parents?Automation not implemented
8MergeHow will we deal with content merge conflicts?The Terminology server will attempt to merge content changes automatically but it can't always do this and any 'conflicts' will be reported back from the merge operation. At this point the author is required to resolve the conflict. See: Rebase Task - Pull in Changes From ProjectHow will we deal with content merge conflicts? 
9PromotingIs it possible to promote a task before having it reviewed, running classification, or running verification.

Yes, there are no restrictions on preventing an Author from skipping best authoring practices.

Caution -Validation should be done before promotion. 

Caution --Promoting content which has not been classified can lead to unexpected classification results in other author's tasks.

See: Promotion FAQ

Is a classification mandatory before a validation/promotion? 
10PromotingIs it possible to promote a task without running a classification 

Yes, there are no restrictions on preventing an Author from skipping best authoring practices

Caution -Promoting content which has not been classified can lead to unexpected classification results in other author's tasks.

Is a classification mandatory before a validation/promotion? 
11PromotingCan I promote a task without it being reviewed?

Yes, there are no restrictions on preventing an Author from skipping best authoring practices

Is a review always mandatory before promotion? 
12ReviewHow do I submit a concept to be reviewed?Click here Reviewing and Feedback#SubmittingaTaskforReview  
13ReviewHow do I review or claim a concept?Click here Reviewing and Feedback#ReviewinganAuthoringTask  
14FeedbackHow do I provide Feedback?Click here Reviewing and Feedback#ViewingandRespondingtoFeedbackfromaReview  
15ReviewHow do I add a reviewer?All Authors will be assigned to all projects. All authors will have the same "rights" so there is no distinguishing between the ability of someone who is editing a concept, lead on a project or someone who is preparing all content for a release. You do not need to add a reviewer all authors will be able to access your tasks that need to be reviewed.  
16Re-baselineHow do I know if I need to re-baseline? See: Rebase Task - Pull in Changes From ProjectReviewing and Feedback#MarkingaTaskasReviewComplete 
17ClassificationHow do I run the classifier before reviewing to ensure that the reviewer is seeing the most current content and relationships?See: ClassificationReviewing and Feedback#MarkingaTaskasReviewComplete 
18ReviewWhat does moving the concept to the "Concept Reviewed List" signify?

Within the review view a reviewer is not obligated to provide feedback on a concept. The purpose of the Concept Reviewed is to move concepts that a user does not desire to provide feedback on. The thought behind this is that all feedback is then only for concepts that require action or discussion. Moving a concept to the concept review list does not signify any specific status. * note this will change with the redesign of review and feedback

Reviewing and Feedback#MarkingaTaskasReviewComplete 
19ValidationWhat does validation do or check?

Validation runs the Release Validation Framework which checks the following assertions -

Assertions Validated for the SNOMED CT International Edition#ComponentCentricValidation

20SearchWhat search functionality is available,i.e. exact matching with quotes, + for required, etc? Filter by semantic tag?

You can use wildcards in the search term to find partial matches. Asterisk ( * ) matches all subsequent characters regardless of word length. Question mark ( ? ) matches a single character. For example:

punc* would find all words stemmed with "punc" eg punch, punched, punctum, puncture etc
punc? would find punch
punc??? would find punched and punctum
punc?u? would find punctum but not punched


What is Grouped by concept ?- it isn't clear to me what is being grouped?  Descriptions? Subtypes?

Grouping by concepts vs all view matching terms is similar to search functionality on many websites sites allowing a user to search titles and descriptions or just titles. The same theory is applied here and that if multiple terms matching your query are found you can toggle the search results to display the top level concept (so if your query matches multiple components of a relationship it will only return one result), or you can view all matching terms.  



How does the Taxonomy display multiple parents?

The taxonomy displays as follows:


How do I tell if this the inferred view or stated?

There is a blue circle at the top of the screen which indicates what view you are looking at.

24SearchCan we search for active concepts only?

Search is now defaulted to Active concepts only.

To view both active and inactive concepts click the "Active And Inactive" Button within the search results.

25SearchHow do I search for Concept IDs?Entering a concept ID into the search should return the relevant concept  
26TaxonomyHow do I search in Taxonomy
Currently the taxonomy does not have a search bar above it, however if you search for a concept you may lookup the concept in the taxonomy by clicking the  Lookup in Taxonomy button.
27Taxonomy How do I create or modify a concept by using the Taxonomy feature?See Create New / Clone Existing Concept  
28PromotionWhat happens or needs to happen after promotion to make merge the content into the mainline and make the updates available to our users.Once all tasks are promoted in each project, The Authoring release manager would approve the projects for inclusion into the release. Updates for the users will be available through a report generated by Confluence indicating the status.  
29ApproveHow do we approve a concept after we have selected and reviewed it

Use Case -Penni edited, I claimed and reviewed then she got it back. She then had to rebase, and then does Penni promote and is that the same as approving. Or is my reviewed = to approving.

Reviewed is not = to approving only promotion = approved

30PromotionHow do I promote an individual task that is in a state of "promoted" without promoting all of the tasks in that state? In other words I need to be able to select a task to promote with project.You can not promote an individual task. When promoting a project, you promote all tasks in the promoted state as they are all completed and ready for promotion to the release..  
31ProjectMy Projects list does not display lead informationIf project information changes during a user's session, this information will be stale. Highly unusual occurrence, and workaround exists (simply reload the app).  
32EditingThere are Inadvertent changes being made to the concept I am trying to copy and paste from? Why is this happening?
  • If a description or relationship is inadvertently dropped onto the same concept, it DOES NOT automatically save. Affirmative action is required by the user. If the "Save Concept" button is not clicked and the task is promoted, the concept that appears to be modified will be unchanged on the term-server.
  • The save button can be eliminated by using the "Revert concept" button to undo all changes and return the concept to the currently saved state on the term-server.

Can a task be closed without going through the whole process (e.g. task created and found to be a duplicate - with appropriate processes in place here)?

There is no closed status on a Task, the user will have the ability to delete the task. This delete feature will be implemented by Dec 3.  

How are tasks assigned?

When a task is created it will have a status of "New" any user within the same role can pick up the task by clicking on the task name. This will assign the task to that user.  

Can tasks be re-assigned?

Currently the feature is not available within the tool. However the ability to change a task is available within JIRA which is the connecting backend for tasks. Contact the project lead for the project where the task needs to be re-assigned, if you are the project lead please contact TechSupport via freshdesk and we will assist  

Can I delete a task I created by mistake?

  • Project-level deletion
    • Go to Projects, select a Project with tasks, view the Tasks in Project
    • Click the gear icon to the right of a task
    • Modal appears, click Delete task
    • Modal closes, table updates with that task no longer shown
  • Task-level deletion
    • Click on a task from dashboard
    • Click Edit Task
    • Modal opens, click Delete task
    • Modal closes, application routes to dashboard, deleted task is no longer shown
37ReviewSomething shouldn't be available for review if it has not passed "validation"Classification or validation does not restrict the ability to review.  
38ProjectHow do I add people to a project?There is not a specific UI interface within the new tool. If you need to add authors to a project you must  make that request via Freshdesk attend to Tech Support. All IHTSDO authors will have access to all projects as that has been the requirement request. The project lead role only signifies a point person for that project area.  
39ClassificationClassification Report - Is it possible to sort by primary and secondary columns?As it stands it is possible to replicate the functionality you're after by combining the search field (Which will cut the list down based upon the text you enter against target, source and type descriptions), and then ordering the filtered list using the column headers.  
40EditingParent and additional attributes not visible in Edit panel of Feedback/Review screen

Use Case

I picked up a concept for review and then clicked "Show in Edit Panel." The concept FSN and descriptions are visible, but not the isa relationship and any additional attribute-value relationships. Therefore I cannot fully review the concept and change made to it.

The change that the author has made to the concept is likely inactivation. In this case all of the concepts relationships are also inactivated. By default inactive relationships are not displayed in the edit panel. If you click the down arrow in the header you will be able to view these inactive relationships


In order to fully define a concept, I added a new Is-a relationship but I can't remove the existing Is-a relationship. There is no minus sign by it.

The new Is-a relationship has a minus sign as does the Has dose form attribute I added.

You cannot remove the is a relationship to Cephalosporin class of antibiotic (product) because it has already been published. This is why there is no minus button. In your use case the relationship would have to be inactivated by clicking the icon next to the relationship.  
42BrowserThe TS browser requires username and password. I am also not sure which username and password to use.Login and password is snowowl & snowowl - The change for integration with SCA is a lower priority with the current objectives for completion.  
43ReviewWhere can I see the reason for an inactivation?
Click the three dots next to the concept
44EditingWhat do the case sensitive acronyms mean?

Based on discussion with the authors, the following abbreviations should be used to indicate the case significance.

  • cI for 900000000000020002|Only initial character case insensitive (core metadata concept)|
  • CS for 900000000000017005|Entire term case sensitive (core metadata concept)|
  • ci for 900000000000448009|Entire term case insensitive (core metadata concept)|
45ClassificationWhen I hover over the classification icon, it says "completed". Does that mean it has been accepted? If not, then it shouldn't be up for review - correct?

The tooltip does not indicate if the classification results were accepted or not. It simply shows that a classification report exists for this task. When you click on the icon, you can review the report.

If the classification icon is red, the report could not be retrieved for some reason, this is unrelated to your editing. In this case you should try to run the classification again

46EditingHow do I delete a concept

You can only delete an unpublished concept

1.If a user creates a new concept that they have not saved, but wish to delete they may do so by clicking the   in the concept's title bar.

2. The ui will display a warning to advise the user that their work will be deleted, selecting Okay continues with removing the concept. 

47Tasks and PromotionAfter I promote a project  the tasks get promoted but the project remains and I can add new tasks?Yes  
48ClassificationWhy is the Save button not available for my completed Classification?The save button will not be activated if the classification resulted in no changes to inferred relationships. This might happen if you make changes, run and save a classification and then classify again.  
49Classification ReportsWhat does the classification report show?Once you accept a classification, the new report shows only the changed made between the previous classification and the new one.  
50Project StatusWhat does "forward" mean?

If the project is FORWARD you can go ahead and promote your project. As there is no need to rebase, this button is disabled. FORWARD indicates that the content on your project is "ahead" of the content on the mainline, so there is new content on your project that is not on mainline yet. This is the best case scenario.

After project promotion, your project status will change to UP-TO-DATE. This means that the content on your project is now the same as the content on the mainline. As there is no content to promote, and no need to rebase, both buttons are disabled.

You have to rebase if the status is BEHIND or DIVERGED. To avoid mistakes, we restricted the workflow so that you can only promote if you have rebased.

  • If someone else promotes a project, your project status will change to BEHIND. This means that there is content on the mainline that is not reflected in your project yet.
  • DIVERGED means that your project and the mainline do have different content. For example, if you promote a task to your project and someone else promotes their project to the mainline.
51ReviewWhat does the modified date reflect?The modified date reflects that last change to the concept NOT the last time feedback was left  
52ClassificationI am seeing results in the classification report that are not correct

If an author did not classify before promoting tasks, the results are showing up in the classification results for every other task on the branch. Once they are promoted, the only way to remove them from all other tasks is to rebase again, and rerun classification.

Note- There is no 'blocking' but only a warning before promoting. It is up to the decision of the author to promote without classifying, or not.

53ClassificationI cannot find my classification reportPlease see WRP-2044  
54Editing -New Concepts needed as parents of new conceptsCannot use newly created concepts as parents for new concepts in the same task

This is due to a constraint based on how the MRCM save validation works - MRCM rules currently apply to the inferred view, not stated. This means new content must be classified (and inferred relationships saved) before it is permitted as an attribute value in the concept edit panel. Attempting to add the parent before it is classified will trigger the MRCM validation rule, blocking the save action.

The process is as follows:
1. Create new parent concept. Save.

2. Classify and save classification results.

3. Copy the new parent SCTID from the more details popup in the edit panel concept header.

3. Search for new parent by pasting the new SCTID into the Search tab.

4. Create new child concept. Add FSN, PT.

5. Drag the parent from the search list as a target into the new child concept empty Is A relationship. Save.

Similar principles apply to other attributes - any new concepts must first be classified and the results saved before using as an attribute target. 

Currently the MRCM only allows you to save a concept if the attribute value is specified before the attribute type. The easiest is to add a new relationship that has no attribute type specified yet. A bit complicated but a workaround until the fix (WRP-2300) is implemented.

Please refer to WRP -2300 to ensure this work around is still needed. 
55EditingCan not add a valid attribute

This is due to a bug with the validation not working correctly that is addressed in WRP-2300.

Please try to do it the following sequence, I could verify that it is working this way (see screenshot)
1. Drag the concept that you want to use as the attribute value for finding site in the text field on the right side
2. Now type "finding site" in the yellow text field, and select "Finding site (attribute)" from the drop-down list.

If you specify the attribute type before the attribute value, the bug gives you the MRCM error, which prevents you from proceeding.

In your screenshot the parent Disease (disorder) is not correctly specified. If you type "disease (disorder)", you have to wait until the concept is displayed in the drop-down list and then select it from there. If you just type disease in the text field without selecting from the drop-down list, it will not accept this as a valid target. Another option is to drag the concept from the saved list.

See ATF-517 for use case 
56TaxonomyWhy can't I see the taxonomy view?The taxonomy view is only available after accepting the results of the classification. It is only possible to preview the concept in the diagram, but not in the taxonomy.  
57Search Notification ErrorWhen I am searching for concept I get this error?

Notification message for Error performing search[object Object] Not Found - When you open a task for the first time, the branch is created, which takes a few seconds. If you start searching during this time, you will get the error in the search as the latest version of SNOMED hasn't been completely loaded into your task -the system needs to catch up and will work in a few moments.

See WRP-2436 for status and ATF-505 for use case. 

I want to enter digits in my search queries
So that I can match numeric values in text descriptions as well as searching for valid SCTIDs

For numeric values that aren't SCTIDs returning empty results, by entering the value as a string query enclosed in double quotes. For example, entering "101" (including the quotes) will return all concepts with the digits 101 in their descriptions. Wildcards can also be added, for example "101"* will return all concepts with numbers starting with the digit sequence101 in their definitions (eg 1011, 1013 etc).

Results will also include concepts whose relationship values include the quoted string, for instance searching for "101"* showsHemoglobin Rush (substance) as the 8th result, which is actually matching its acceptable synonym Hb 101(G3), Glu-gln

Please refer to WRP-2582 for status of correction implementation