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Working towards consistency in representing PaLM observable entity content between member countries for interoperability

    1. The terminology modelling similarities and differences and align our representations – which attribute-value relationships and why?
    2. The editorial principles for development and design of PaLM content to disseminate to member countries
    3. Use-cases include – representing cell populations; genotypes; catalytic activity

The more complex lab reportables that are challenging to represent in the logic of the observables concept model

    1. Use-cases and semantic overlaps between terminology systems we are trying to represent consistently
    2. The scope and analytics requirement to represent the more complex test results in machine-readable logic
    3. Are there limitations in the observable entity concept model we need to consider?
    4. Editorial principles – the logical definition equating to the lexical description
    5. Use-cases include – fractions and ratios between two specimen types; multiple axes of scale type and data type e.g. reporting a semi-quantitative result of a ratio; semi-quantitative vs more qualitative representations

The representation of the component hierarchies used to define PaLM observable entity concepts

    1. The quality of the component hierarchies including properties, specimens and substances to enable accurate automated classification of the observable entity hierarchies
    2. Is the property hierarchy accurately representing the metrology of data types and scale types?
    3. Is there a confusion in the property hierarchies over scale types and data types limiting the capability to represent comparable, reproducible, and computable test results? quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative VS Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio?
    4. Do we need to revisit the very notion of a ‘property’ in the context of SNOMED CT and OWL properties that define concepts logically in accordance with metrology representation?
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