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November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 4) vs November 2022 Production (Version 1) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/a

x prefixes removed, and production naming conventions applied, as expected

November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 3) vs November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 4) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
AttributeValue files2MSSP-1764

2 records inactivated, as expected due to fixes in MSSP-1764

Language (EN) files4


2 records updated, as confirmed by Daniel in MSSP-1747

  • < 018138ce-5880-43a9-b11f-cc4b8eba959e    20210531    1    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4802501000052118    900000000000548007
  • > 018138ce-5880-43a9-b11f-cc4b8eba959e    20221130    1    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4802501000052118    900000000000549004
  • < 27661d5c-d0f9-4c7e-ad33-8de3ee63e9e9    20181130    1    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4114411000052115    900000000000548007
  • > 27661d5c-d0f9-4c7e-ad33-8de3ee63e9e9    20221130    1    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4114411000052115    900000000000549004

2 records inactivated, as expected due to fixes in MSSP-1764

  • < 6be97bbc-1676-4834-92c0-b1e699102c9e    20210531    1    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4802491000052114    900000000000548007
  • > 6be97bbc-1676-4834-92c0-b1e699102c9e    20221130    0    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4802491000052114    900000000000548007
  • < 7a45e18b-4364-43b5-9ff1-b579d0782604    20181130    1    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4114421000052111    900000000000548007
  • > 7a45e18b-4364-43b5-9ff1-b579d0782604    20221130    0    45991000052106    900000000000509007    4114421000052111    900000000000548007
Description (EN) files2MSSP-1764

2 records inactivated, as expected due to fixes in MSSP-1764

  • < 4114421000052111    20181130    1    45991000052106    57931000052101    en    900000000000003001    Cervical secretion in urine specimen (specimen)    900000000000448009
  • > 4114421000052111    20221130    0    45991000052106    57931000052101    en    900000000000003001    Cervical secretion in urine specimen (specimen)    900000000000448009

  • < 4802491000052114    20210531    1    45991000052106    70531000052106    en    900000000000003001    Electrophoresis, agarose gel technique (qualifier value)    900000000000448009
  • > 4802491000052114    20221130    0    45991000052106    70531000052106    en    900000000000003001    Electrophoresis, agarose gel technique (qualifier value)    900000000000448009
OWL Axiom files2MSSP-1764

2 records inactivated, as expected due to fixes in MSSP-1764

  • < 842e1d90-c29a-4994-a09b-6527b4d6bc4a    20191130    1    45991000052106    733073007    57931000052101    SubClassOf(:57931000052101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:123038009 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:118169006 :431938005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370133003 :78014005))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:118169006 :71252005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370133003 :26859008)))))
  • > 842e1d90-c29a-4994-a09b-6527b4d6bc4a    20221130    0    45991000052106    733073007    57931000052101    SubClassOf(:57931000052101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:123038009 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:118169006 :431938005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370133003 :78014005))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:118169006 :71252005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370133003 :26859008)))))

  • < f1760077-c96d-48d5-8778-8de75b545356    20210531    1    45991000052106    733073007    70531000052106    SubClassOf(:70531000052106 :703450007)
  • > f1760077-c96d-48d5-8778-8de75b545356    20221130    0    45991000052106    733073007    70531000052106    SubClassOf(:70531000052106 :703450007)

May 2022 Production RECALL (PUBLISHED) vs November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 3) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files64ISRS-1272

64 records updated this cycle - NO NEW refsets (only changes, static or deprecated refsets - which retain the refsetDescriptor), as this is only in response to the fixes required in ISRS-1272:

64 records had their AttributeDescription changed from 900000000000461009 to 449608002:


  • < 818a1653-d0b7-4dab-b734-887bc999e823    20191130    1    45991000052106    900000000000456007    60401000052109    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
  • > 818a1653-d0b7-4dab-b734-887bc999e823    20221130    1    45991000052106    900000000000456007    60401000052109    449608002    900000000000461009    0

This has resulted in a resolution of the RVF assertion failures in the latest (Version 3) of the SE PreProd for November 2022:

testCategory: "component-centric-validation",
testType: "SQL",
assertionUuid: "fc0f240c-4a07-4995-acf6-52a7f41f2ce6",
assertionText: "Any refset with a refsetDescriptor record, that is a subset of another refset with a refsetDescriptor record, must have a refsetDescriptor that is either the same, or a specialisation of the parent's refset.",
queryInMilliSeconds: 707,
failureCount: 0

Readme filen/a

Confirmed removal of 2x files for deprecated refset this cycle - 113461000052109 |urval förekomst av implantat, uppmärksamhetsinformation|

  • < ./der2_Refset_urvalFörekomstAvImplantatUppmärksamhetsinformationSimpleRefsetSnapshot_SE1000052_20220531.txt
  • < ./der2_Refset_urvalFörekomstAvImplantatUppmärksamhetsinformationSimpleRefsetFull_SE1000052_20220531.txt
AssociationReference files 47

47 new/updated records added, approximately right given number of Concept inactivations in files below expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above)

AttributeValue records3098

3077 new records added/updated,

plus 21 records inactivated:

approximately right given number of Description inactivations in files below + close match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above)

Concept files45

39 new records added/updated, plus

6 inactivated plus expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

Description (EN) files127

69 new records added/updated, plus

58 records inactivated expected due to close match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) - these Description counts are never exact because a) the Report combines all terms from all language codes together, and b) some of the terms themselves contain ">" or "<" characters which throw our manual diff counts out. expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

Description (SV) files6206

5946 new records added/updated (including thousands from batch updates), plus

260 records inactivated expected due to close match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) - these Description counts are never exact because a) the Report combines all terms from all language codes together, and b) some of the terms themselves contain ">" or "<" characters which throw our manual diff counts out. expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

Language Refset (EN) files133

69 new records added/updated, plus

64 records inactivated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

Language Refset (SV) files7021

6755 new records added/updated (including thousands from batch updates), plus

266 records inactivated, plus expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

Relationship files637

245 new records added, plus

392 records inactivated - no way to validate this as usual, but roughly right given number of new concepts + OWLExpression records expected due to close match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above)

Relationship Concrete Values files0

0 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated - no way to validate this as usual, but roughly right given number of new concepts + OWLExpression records expected due to close match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above)

OWLExpression files101

67 new records added/updated

34 records inactivated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

Stated Relationship files0

0 new records updated as expected!

TextDefinition EN files0

0 new records updated as expected! expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above)

TextDefinition SV files558

558 records added +

0 records inactivated, expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this SE cycle (see link above) expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Administrativt Kön SimpleRefset files4

2 records added:

Plus 2 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Administreringsväg Nationella Läkemedelslistan SimpleRefset files1

1 records added:

Plus 0 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Allvarlig Psykisk Störning SimpleRefset files10

5 new records added:

Plus 5 records inactivated:

< 19d2619c-ee82-46a4-b918-1a8d3b13ce4e 20200531 1 45991000052106 64641000052102 191484009
> 19d2619c-ee82-46a4-b918-1a8d3b13ce4e 20220531 0 45991000052106 64641000052102 191484009 expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Fynd Bakterieegenskaper Laboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files4

0 new records added:

Plus 4 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be DEPRECATED in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Fynd Mikroorganism Laboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files3

1 new records added:

Plus 2 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Fynd Ovrigt Laboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files4

4 new records added:

Plus 0 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Provtyp Laboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files 4

3 new records added:

Plus 1 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Sökorsak SimpleRefset files2

1 new records added:

Plus 1 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

urval Vårdtjänster SimpleRefset files74

73 new records added:

Plus 1 records inactivated: expected as MSSP-1747 confirms this refset was planned to be updated in this editing cycle + expected as confirmed by the SE NRC when they evaluated this traceability matrix against their expected changes for the cycle as part of their PreProd Validation

ModuleDependency files2

2 new records added for November 2022 dates, dependent upon the July 22 INT Edition, as expected

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