
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,

The April Business Meeting is fast approaching, if you have not registered please see April 2023 Business Meetings. Please note that registration is NOT required for online-only participants.

ELAG will be meeting in person and online via Zoom on Monday 3rd April from 13:30 to 17:00 BST (12:30 to 16:00 UTC) via the ELAG Zoom link.

To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form :

This form allows you to provide a brief education member report for your member country which will be discussed during the meeting.

Please complete the form before Friday, March 24th 2023 - this will enable us to prepare the ELAG presentation for the meeting.

Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2023-04-03 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom)

The call for abstracts for the Expo has also gone out with the deadline of April 17th for submissions. The Expo will be held 26th and 27th October 2023, as a hybrid event. For those attending in person the location is Atlanta, USA. 

If you have any questions, please let me know at or

Kind regards,

Ian Spiers