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November 2023 Pre-Production (Version 4) vs November 2023 Production (Version 1) traceability



CONCLUSION:  Zero changes as expected - just moving from finalised PreProd package to Versioned Prod package, so we were expecting identical packages

November 2023 Pre-Production (Version 2) vs November 2023 Pre-Production (Version 4) traceability



May 2023 Production (PUBLISHED) vs November 2023 Pre-Production (Version 2) traceability



Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


RefsetDescriptor files1

1 records added/updated, as expected for one new refset for this cycle (see below)

> d2c8b051-878e-4dc1-b918-1dd395336c26    20231130    1    11000181102    900000000000456007    96821000181101    449608002    900000000000461009    0

AssociationReference files10

10 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

AttributeValue records174

174 new records added/updated

plus 0 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (EN) files17

7 new records added/updated, plus

10 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (ET) files1239

1200 new records added/updated (including thousands from batch updates), plus

39 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Readme filen/a

November 2023 date changes as expected, plus x prefixes and PreProd conventions added

PLUS one new refset added as confirmed in the MSSP ticket:

>                     xder2_Refset_eestiPatsiendiKontaktisikuLiigiKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetFull_EE1000181_20231130.txt
>                     xder2_Refset_eestiPatsiendiKontaktisikuLiigiKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20231130.txt

Concept files13

3 new records added/updated

plus 10 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Description (EN) files16

6 new records added/updated

plus 10 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Description (ET) files1126

1089 new records added/updated

plus 37 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP-753

Identifier filesn/a

Just the headers changed for this file, as per the planned change to the format of the file in FRI-658 + ISRS-1562 + ISRS-1563 + the new specs here:

< identifierSchemeId    alternateIdentifier    effectiveTime    active    moduleId    referencedComponentId
> alternateIdentifier    effectiveTime    active    moduleId    identifierSchemeId    referencedComponentId

Relationship files19

3 new records added, plus

16 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Relationship Concrete Values files0

0 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

OWLExpression files13

3 new records added/updated, plus

10 records inactivated, plus expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP-753

Stated Relationship files0

0 records added/updated AS EXPECTED, due to the deprecation of the Stated Relationship records in the previous release

TextDescription (EN) files0

0 records added/inactivated, expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

TextDescription (ET) files80

78 new records added/updated, plus

2 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

eesti Patsiendi Kontaktisiku Liigi Klassifikaator Simple Refset files (96821000181101)8

8 new records added for BRAND NEW REFSET (as expected in MSSP ticket)

eesti Meditsiinilaborite Proovimaterjali Tüübi Klassifikaator Simple Refset files (2551000181106)2

1 record inactivated

Plus 1 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP Ticket

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Mikrobioloogilise Uuringu Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (331000181103)27

11 record inactivated

Plus 16 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP Ticket 

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Patomorfoloogilise Lõppdiagnoosi Klassifikaator Simple Refset files (201000181103)33

11 record inactivated

Plus 21 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP Ticket 

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Proovimaterjali Uuringu Paikme Klassifikaator Simple Refset files (181000181102)


1 record inactivated

Plus 1 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP Ticket 

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Ravi Liigi Klassifikaator Simple Refset files (3221000181107)

1 record inactivated

Plus 1 record added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP Ticket 

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

ModuleDependency files

2 new records added for November 2023 dates, dependent on the October 2023 INT Edition, as expected
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