Erica and I are excited to share the finalized agenda for next week's Nursing CRG Business meeting, the agenda for our hybrid meeting has been posted under the Meetings subfolder on the Nursing CRG page on Confluence. The Nursing CRG will meet on Tuesday, 27 September at 1530 to 1730 Lisbon time (remember to translate this to your local time) Erica will be on site at the conference venue and will host the on site Nursing CRG meeting in the Independência Room. The dedicated Nursing CRG Zoom link will be used for participants not on site:
Password - 871141
Diagnosis Development Updates and New Developments in Nursing Diagnosis will be presented by Camila Takáo Lopes, PhD, RN, FNI. Dr. Lopes is the Director of Diagnosis Development Committee, NANDA-I and Adjunct Professor, Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPE-Unifesp)
Standardizing Nursing Documentation for Interoperability Using Knowledge Modeling and Clinical Reference Terminologies will be presented by Stephanie Hartleben, RN-BC, MSN, MHA. Ms. Hartleben is the Co-chair of the Knowledge Modeling & Encoding Workgroup at the University of Minnesota Nursing Big Data Initiative and Senior Principal, Clinical Informatics at Elsevier
We look forward to you joining our meeting, whether in Lisbon or via Zoom
Erica and Christine