Anesthesia Clinical Reference Group

Time: April 3, 2022 13:30 - 17:00 UTC / 13:30 - 17:00 UK / 08:30 - 12:00 ET

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1Introductions and Apologies

Matters arising from the previous meeting notes

2022-03-22 Anesthesia CRG Meeting

3HL7 updateMartin Hurrell

SNOMED group - SNOMED on FHIR (Confluence)

Idea is to take termset defined by this CRG and apply to HL7 FHIR work

HL7 will discuss with SNOMED FHIR group and determine where Anesthesia CRG can contribute work

4Applications of SNOMED anesthesia terms

Some anesthesia groups in UK still on paper

Known applications - fields and options tagged with SNOMED in EHR, NLP parser that generates text tagged with SNOMED

This group did some development work in the past on a difficult airway diagnosis termset that included diagnoses (largely pediatric congential syndromes) which are likely to have a difficult airway. SNOMED Concepts Associated with Difficult Airways (mostly Pediatric)

openEHR - already uses some SNOMED terms in some implementations, Grant will bring us questions regarding use of anesthesia/CC SNOMED terms in OpenEHR. 

5Work plan

Continue serving as experts on anesthesia critical care terminology

Develop termset as needed by Martin for HL7 FHIR

Validate assessment scales used in anesthesia critical care within SNOMED


Dates of next meetings -

2022-04-04 Anesthesia CRG at SNOMED Business Meeting (Pt 2 & 3)

Tuesday May 24th 2022