Anesthesia Clinical Reference Group

Time: March 22, 2022 19:00 - 20:30 UTC / 19:00 - 20:30 UK / 15:00 - 16:30 ET

Meeting ID: 934 6376 5466

Password: 194610

Or Telephone:

+1 646 518 9805 (US Toll)
+44 203 481 5237 (GB Toll)
+1 587 328 1099 (CA Toll)

International numbers available:

1Introductions and Apologies

Matters arising from the previous meeting notes

2022-01-25 Anesthesia CRG Meeting

3SNOMED updates

4Intensive care related disorders

Request by Elaine Wooler to clarify terms such as 398106007 |Intensive care neurological disorder (disorder)|

Patrick McCormick seems more like a "during" relationship between illness and location than a causal location of location leading to illness

5Planning for April Meeting

Andrew Marchant Patrick McCormick

Grant Forrest

J-P Lomas

Meeting will be hybrid Face-to-Face and virtual via Zoom.

April Meeting Public Site is here

Anesthesia CRG will meet Sunday April 3 (afternoon) and Monday April 4 (morning and afternoon).

Pt 1 (Sunday afternoon)

Anesthesia CRG way forward

  • Assemble possible work plan from prior agendas and notes
    • How to define assessment scales in SNOMED (Observables CRG)

Recruitment of additional members from specialty societies

HL7 update from Martin Hurrell

Pt 2 (Monday morning 4:30am-7am ET)

Review Artificial Respiration Terms using Monica's spreadsheet

  • move semantic tags
  • address which ones are actually disorders vs observables vs etc

Review Ventilation Terms

Pt 3 (Monday afternoon 8:30am-12pm ET)

Terminology Request Review

Procedure classifications


Dates of next meetings:

2022-04-03 Anesthesia CRG at SNOMED Business Meeting (Pt 1)

2022-04-04 Anesthesia CRG at SNOMED Business Meeting (Pt 2 & 3)

Tuesday May 24th 2022