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April 2021 PROD Version 3 (termMed build via RAD) vs April 2021 PROD Version 4 (termMed build via RAD) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Description files2

1 record inactivated, plus 1 new record to replace it with the root concept description for April 2021:

< 1931881000209118 20201031 1 450829007 138875005 es 900000000000013009 SNOMED Clinical Terms versión 20201031 [R] (octubre de 2020) 900000000000017005
> 1931881000209118 20210430 0 450829007 138875005 es 900000000000013009 SNOMED Clinical Terms versión 20201031 [R] (octubre de 2020) 900000000000017005

> 2051041000209110 20210430 1 450829007 138875005 es 900000000000013009 SNOMED Clinical Terms versión 20210430 [R] (abril de 2021) 900000000000448009

as expected, after asked termMed to update the Root concept description to April 2021

Language files2

1 record inactivated, plus 1 new record to replace it in line with the root concept updated description for April 2021:

< 458d9587-b5a5-b8ad-64c7-4ef8a4d6cd2b 20201031 1 450829007 450828004 1931881000209118 900000000000549004
> 458d9587-b5a5-b8ad-64c7-4ef8a4d6cd2b 20210430 0 450829007 450828004 1931881000209118 900000000000549004

> 47baefab-a7bc-38ab-fec0-f23ba7b43672 20210430 1 450829007 450828004 2051041000209110 900000000000549004

as expected, after asked termMed to update the Root concept description to April 2021

ModuleDependency files1

UUID replaced for new record as expected:

< 038c861f-6712-a04a-1849-5f1024dcacb8 20210430 1 450829007 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20210430 20210131
> 48e6fb73-d916-3067-5eb4-c37306852897 20210430 1 450829007 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20210430 20210131

April 2021 BETA Version 13 (termMed build via RAD) vs April 2021 PROD Version 3 (termMed build via RAD) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/a
Updated to remove x prefixes + move to Production naming conventions, as expected

April 2021 BETA Version 9 (termMed build via RAD) vs April 2021 BETA Version 13 (termMed build via RAD) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/a
Updated to fix .json file

October 2020 PRODUCTION Published (termMed build via their scripts) vs April 2021 BETA Version 9 (termMed build via RAD) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Concept files0

0 files added/updated in Release package files

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09

AttributeValue files7813

7770 records added +

22 records inactivated +

21 records updated

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09

Language refset files13135

11450 records added +

1504 records inactivated +

181 records updated 

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09, as there were 13135 records in the Delta!

ModuleDependency files1
1 record added for April 2021 release, as expected
Readme filen/a

updated for April 2021 + Beta "x" prefixes as expected

+ removed "RF2 Package" parent folder that was unnecessary!

HOWEVER, I noticed the .json file was now included, and wasn't populated correctly, so have asked Ale to fix this...

Description files12434 

10689 records added +

1375 records inactivated +

370 records updated 

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09, as there were 12434 records in the Delta! 

***** AAT INVESTIGATED and confirmed that the algorithms used to total the number of changes made are not always accurate for Descriptions! This is because they use the ">" symbol which is used to denote new records in the diff file, but which also appears in the actual Term field of 41 descriptions in the Spanish Edition - including several records where it appears twice - making an extra 47 instances in the file!


601 records added +

115 record inactivated

- Ale confirmed this was NOT as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09

***** AAT INVESTIGATED and confirmed that the algorithms used to total the number of changes made are not always accurate for Descriptions! This is because they use the ">" symbol which is used to denote new records in the diff file, but which also appears in the actual Term field of 6 TextDefinitions in the Spanish Edition - meaning that the original count of 722 changes in the file was wrong!  Best to search for "> " (with a space after it) as the terms rarely have spaces after the greater than symbol.

October 2020 PRODUCTION Published (termMed build via their scripts) vs April 2021 BETA Version 7 (termMed build via RAD) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Concept files0

0 files added/updated in Release package files

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09

AttributeValue files7813

7770 records added +

22 records inactivated +

21 records updated

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09

Language refset files13051

11412 records added +

1459 records inactivated +

180 records updated 

- Ale confirmed this was NOT as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09, as there were 13135 records in the Delta!

***** AAT INVESTIGATED and confirmed that this is because he had sent me the figures for version 9 instead of version 7!

ModuleDependency files1
1 record added for April 2021 release, as expected
Readme filen/a
updated for April 2021 + Beta "x" prefixes as expected
Description files12344 

10651 records added +

1330 records inactivated +

369 records updated 

- Ale confirmed this was NOT as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09, as there were 12434 records in the Delta! 

***** AAT INVESTIGATED and confirmed that this is because he had sent me the figures for version 9 instead of version 7!


601 records added +

115 record inactivated

- Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 06/04/2021 at 23:09

***** AAT INVESTIGATED and confirmed that the algorithms used to total the number of changes made are not always accurate for Descriptions! This is because they use the ">" symbol which is used to denote new records in the diff file, but which also appears in the actual Term field of 6 TextDefinitions in the Spanish Edition - meaning that the original count of 722 changes in the file was wrong!  Best to search for "> " (with a space after it) as the terms rarely have spaces after the greater than symbol.

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