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How to resolve extension upgrade integrity issues where an inactive concept is used as an attribute target in axiom, including as a parent in an IS A relationship.

Prerequisite steps: Log in to the Authoring Platform as an author with extension project access credentials (after an upgrade has been applied to the extension baseline by the SNOMED International support team). Open one of my tasks (open task as an Author).

Tell me more about Working in an extension (Managed Service and Training Authoring differences).


On first opening a task which has upgraded content, an Integrity Report check is triggered which scans the content for issues. Whilst this is proceeding, the task content area shows the Integrity Report check is running. Please Wait... notice.

Closing and re-opening a task with integrity issues

After running an Integrity Report and detecting items with issues, any time the task is subsequently closed and re-opened (perhaps in a new session), the Integrity Report check will trigger. Further task editing is not possible until all integrity check issues have been resolved.

Automated integrity issue resolution

Running the Integrity Report automatically resolves issues due to an inactive concept having an active description which is missing an "inactive concept" indicator, and also when an inactive description is referenced in a language reference set.

On completion of the checks, if integrity issues have been found the Integrity Report view is presented. This contains the following:

  • Left-hand context tab panel, containing:
    • Issues List - all concepts with integrity issues, with select and preview actions
    • Search
    • Taxonomy View
  • Right-hand concept preview/edit panel, showing:
    • Prior Version of the concept with issues

    • Suggested Resolution for the issue

The Search and Taxonomy tab views are the same as those available in the usual task view, and are provided here to support investigation and location of alternative target concepts to resolve the integrity issue.

When first presented, this view automatically previews the first concept in the list (as indicated by the inactive status of its preview icon in the Issues List.

List paging controls and visible list size options are presented below the list.

Each concept in the list can be individually previewed and resolved via editing in the Resolution panel, but the platform can also apply the suggested resolutions automatically if they do not cause validation errors.

To apply a suggested resolution to an individual concept, press the Save and next icon button in the Resolution panel.

A header notification indicates that the concept is being saved.

Drools Rules warnings may appear briefly when saving the concept, however warnings do not prevent saving. Saved concepts can be reviewed later via the usual feedback and review process, so integrity resolution save warnings can be followed-up as needed.

After manually saving a concept, the next concept in the Issues List is automatically previewed for issue resolution. The saved concept is removed from the list, and the Total Items count is decremented.

Once loaded, the new first item on the Issues List is previewed, ready to repeat the process for this next concept.

As well as resolving each suggested resolution manually on a concept-by-concept basis, a number of concepts can be selected and processed automatically as a batch. To do this, press the check boxes alongside each desired Issues List item to define a batch list.

With the desired concepts selected via their check-boxes, press the Auto-fix icon button to the upper-right corner of the Issues List.
A header notification shows that the selected concept resolution suggestions are being saved.
A header notification shows the number of concepts which were successfully saved, and the Issues List updates to preview the new first item, with the Total Items count decremented by the number of saved concepts.

For rapid processing of the entire list, press the Select all checkbox in the Issues List header.
With all Issues List concepts selected, press the Auto-fix icon button to processing the entire list.

Whilst most integrity check suggestions will likely save without manual intervention, with a long Issues List, it's also quite probable that some suggested resolutions will trigger Drools Rules errors that prevent saving.

Once the automated process has saved all the items that don't need manual resolution, a header notification shows the number saved successfully, and also the number that failed to validate on attempting to save.

The items that were unable to be saved due to validation errors remain on the Issues List, with the new first item automatically previewed, and the item count is updated to show the total remaining. These items must be manually fixed concept-by-concept by editing in the Resolution preview panel.

To see the errors that prevented automated saving, press Save and next in the Resolution preview panel. The header and concept panel notifications are the same as those that would be obtained through normal editing.

Use the Resolution panel editor details information and the Search and Taxonomy View context tabs to identify alternative solutions to resolve the issue.

When the last item on the list has been successfully saved, the Integrity Report automatically runs again to confirm the changes.

When the Integrity Report completes with no issues, the usual Task Details view is presented. From this point onwards the Integrity Report check will no longer be triggered when opening the task.

All concepts saved from Integrity Report issue resolutions are available in the task Feedback context tab, in the same way that manually authored content is listed (any other concepts edited in the task will also be in this list). Load a list concept in the Feedback Preview panel to see its change details.