Nick Hardiker, Monica Harry, Kathy Molstad, Ian Green, Susan Matney, Cathy Richardson, Jane Millar, Noreen Frisch
Discussion items
Update on actions
Ian had issued individual spreadsheets to Kathy and Susan and they had done next 25+ of diagnose and returned to Ian. Now entered in shared google sheet.
Key points
Not taking into account translation at this point, focusing on meaning - though recognised that translation issues may feed in to meaning clarification
Whilst we are not producing a map, only the Refset, a map will be needed to support those currently using ICNP to migrate and for historical purposes.
There are concepts which are fundamentally different, e.g. Adherence v compliance. These will need to be fully discussed and reach consensus on - cannot be shelved for later.
Next steps
Agreed the following outline process:
Reviewers to work on 50 items per week (next batch by 24 July)
Ian to issue the 50 items to each reviewer in separate files - beginning of week
Reviewers provide expert decisions - close of play Friday same week
Ian to pull together into shared sheet - following Monday
Review results - following tuesday:
Where both reviewers agree on a match (Y,Y) - accepted, no further discussion
Where reviewers do not agree - meet to discuss and try to reach consensus, fully document.
Where reviewers cannot reach consensus, discussed by wider group
No match - potential addition. Nick to review and provide further explanation of ICNP concept.
No matches + Nick's information provided to Cathy to review and decide on next steps
Jane to document process separately
Ian provide addition column for reviewers consensus view
Ian to issue next batch 50 17 July
Ian identify process for providing Nick with list of no matches and then information across to Cathy
Future meetings
Reviewers to meet to deal with the concepts they do not agree on - initially weekly. Jane/Ian to attend
Project Group to meet again when there is work to discuss and to discuss approach and progress
Jane to set up weekly call for reviewers to reach consensus